[governance] Call for Nominations - Brazil committees

Hindenburgo Pires hindenburgo at gmail.com
Tue Jan 7 05:41:38 EST 2014

Dear Ian Peter and Colleagues,

Because this event will take place in São Paulo, I wish I could give my
contribution as a Brazilian citizen and researcher and disposal me to
participate in one of two committees - High Level Committee (HLC) or
Executive Committee (EC) or both.

As one of the directors of the Association of Professors of Rio de Janeiro
State University – ASDUERJ-UERJ, also have responsibility for this area of
the event which for more than a decade I have been researching and have
participated in various events.

I believe that this event could contribute significantly to increase the
participation of civil society in the design of a project to restructure
the Internet, enabling the promotion of mechanisms that establish new
perspective multistakeholder Internet governance more open and democratic.

My full curriculum:


Site pessoal: http://www.cibergeo.org/

Funded research in the area of the event:


Coordinator of the Research Group "New Technologies to Production and
Dissemination of Knowledge in Geosciences", UERJ/CNPq


Events on Internet Governance that participated:

a) IGF in Rio de Janeiro (2007): http://www.igfbrazil2007.br/

b) II ALC (América Latina e Caribe) IGF Preparatory Meeting in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. Held 11-13 August 2009, organized by LACNIC, Nupef-RITS
and APC).

Some lectures and papers on Information Technology, Internet, Cyberspace
and Internet Governance: Barcelona-Catalunha (2004, 2008 e 2012),
Santiago-Chile (2005), Irlanda-Galway (2006), Caracas-Venezuela (2007),
Bogotá-Colombia (2012), Laquila-Itália (2008),  Montevideo-Uruguai (2009),
Buenos Aires-Argentina (2010), México-México (2012):


Interview with the News Agency of National University of Colombia:


Course on Internet Governance that participated:

Diplofundation (2009):

*Simplified Curriculum*:

I have a degree in Geography from the Federal University of Pernambuco -
UFPE (1984 ), did Masters in Urban Development by UFPE (1988 ) – CNPq
scholarship, PhD in Geography (Human Geography ), University of São Paulo -
USP (1996 ) - CNPq scholarship, Postdoc  at the Universitat de Barcelona /
Spain (2010-2012) - sponsored by CAPES .

Currently I am professor in the Postgraduate Program of Institute of
Geography and in Department of Human Geography at the Rio de Janeiro State
University - UERJ, where I teach Geography of Cyberspace and Cyberspace and
the Information Society, Urban Geography and  Economic Geography.

I'm Researcher Prociência FAPERJ / UERJ Program (1997-2015) and Research
Productivity CNPq - PQ2 ( 2013-2016 ) , conducting research in the areas of
: Geography of Cyberspace , Virtual Education , Internet governance and
Free Software .

I am one of the directors of the Association of Teachers of UERJ - ADUERJ
and member of the editorial committee ADVIR- ASDUERJ and other magazines :
Scripta Nova (Barcelona), Ar at cne (Barcelona), Geo UERJ (Rio de Janeiro),
Intellector - CENEGRI(Rio de Janeiro), Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana
- Urbe (Paraná), Boletim Gaúcho de Geografia (Porto Alegre).

I worked as electronic publications editor of the Association of Brazilian
Geographers (2010-2012).

I was the Director of the Institute of Geography (2004-2008) and
coordinated, from 2002 to 2007, the Technical Chamber of Distance Education
of State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), when coordinated education
courses distance - CEDERJ.

I was a member of the organizing committee and the evaluation committee of
the following events:

1. Rio de Janeiro/BR: XIII Simpósio Nacional de Geografia Urbana – SIMPURB,


2. Belo Horizonte/BR: XVII Encontro Nacional de Geógrafos, 2012.


3. Porto Alegre/BR: XVI Encontro Nacional de Geógrafos, 2010.


4. Rio de Janeiro/BR: I Seminário Internacional de Formação de Professores
através da Educação a Distância - I SIFPEAD, 2009. Fundação Cecierj e
Center for Technology in Learning and Teaching (CTLT), da Iowa State


5. Barcelona/ES: VI Coloquio Internacional de Geocrítica "El Impacto Social
y Espacial de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación",


6. Goiânia/BR: VI Congresso Brasileiro de Geógrafos, 2004.


7. Rio de Janeiro/BR: X Simpósio Brasileiro de Geografia Física Aplicada,


2013/12/22 Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com>

>   This is a call for nominations to represent civil society on planning
> committees in preparations for the “Global Multistakeholder Meeting on
> Internet Governance”, to be held in Sao Paulo Brazil on April 23 and 24
> 2014.
> *• Committee No. 1:  Multistakeholder High­Level Committee (HLC)*
> This committee will set the high ­level political tone and objectives of
> the
> conference.  Committee members will engage on a global level with
> stakeholders to
> encourage participation in the conference and maximize its chances of
> success.
> This committee will include 4 civil society representatives.
> • *Committee No. 3:  Multistakeholder Executive Committee (EC)*
> This committee owns the full responsibility of organizing the event,
> including: defining
> conference purpose/agenda, managing invitations, organizing input received
> into a coherent set of proposals for the conferees to address, managing
> conference proceedings and process, and directing all communications
> activities pre/­during/­post conference.  This committee will include 2
> civil society representatives
> The deadline for submitting expressions of interest is *midnight UTC* 7*
> January 2014*.
> If you are interested, you are invited to send a brief biography and a
> statement of relevant background and experience in response to this topic,
> or if you would prefer, you can send it to ian.peter at ianpeter.com(pending the appointment of a replacement IGC  representative on the
> co-ordination group). At the closing date for nominations, nominations
> submitted to various civil society networks will be compiled and assessed
> by the Civil Society Co ordination Group.
> Please indicate clearly at the beginning of your application whether it is
> for the High Level Committee (HLC) or Executive Committee (EC) or both.
> The following factors (among others) will be used to assess the
> suitability of candidates
> 1.      Able to represent civil society as a whole, not just your
> individual civil society organisation(s)
> 2.      Able to work collegiately with other stakeholder groups in a
> multistakeholder setting
> 3.      Able to consult widely with civil society groups and to report
> back as the process progresses
> 4.      Ability to represent civil society at a senior level in these
> discussions
> 5.      Broad knowledge of internet governance issues and the range of
> civil society perspectives on these issues
> 6.      Capacity to participate assertively and creatively
>  *Explanation of process *
>  The civil society coordinating group is a loose peak body that came
> together this year to facilitate joint civil society participation in
> several nominating processes.  It currently comprises persons from the most
> active civil society coalitions or networks in the Internet governance
> space, which in no particular order are the Internet Governance Caucus,
> Diplo Foundation, Best Bits, the Non Commercial Stakeholder Group of ICANN,
> and the Association for Progressive Communications.  The current liaisons
> are Virginia Paque, Jeremy Malcolm, Robin Gross and Chat Garcia Ramilo,
> with Ian Peter as an independent facilitator.  Its current composition is
> imperfect - the boundary between an organisation and network is grey, and
> so is the scope of "Internet governance".  In particular, we are reaching
> out to other civil society networks to further broaden the inclusiveness of
> the group and have developed a draft set of criteria to assist in this
> process.
> Likewise, the process for gathering and reaching consensus is also a work
> in progress, but progressive improvements to the process have been put in
> place since the group's first nomination.  These improvements include
> refinement of criteria for each member network to consider when putting
> forward names for consideration.  Other suggested changes to the process,
> such as the use of a randomly-selected nominating committee, have not met
> with consensual support from within the group and so have not been adopted
> for this nomination.  However, the coordinating group welcomes other
> suggestions for improvement of the joint process.
> Ian Peter
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Hindenburgo Francisco Pires

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Departamento de Geografia Humana
*Sítio-web: http://www.cibergeo.org <http://www.cibergeo.org>*
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