[governance] Civil Society Speakers for IGF Closing Ceremony
Jean-Christophe Nothias
jeanchristophe.nothias at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 04:40:41 EDT 2014
Dear C,
Will we be able to have two speakers, or will the Secretariat select one of these two?
Nota Bene : I presume Dear Anriette that you might already have some knowledge about the fact that the final cut for the closing will be one speaker. I have no idea why "Dear C" would know better than others, but I am happy to rely upon his insights. Then Milton might already be prepared to give to Dr Kilic some of what he believes need to be said. I am following from a distance all that amusing masquerade.
No offense Anriette! Just having fun when I take a look at the IG kinder garden.
Le 28 août 2014 à 10:13, Anriette Esterhuysen a écrit :
> Dear C
> Will we be able to have two speakers, or will the Secretariat select one of these two?
> Anriette
> On 28/08/2014 01:18, Carlos A. Afonso wrote:
>> I am quite happy with the choices of Dr Burcu Kiliç and Dr Milton Müller
>> as speakers for civil society in the closing session.
>> fraternal regards
>> --c.a.
>> On 08/26/2014 11:56 PM, Milton L Mueller wrote:
>>> This is quite an honor, all the more so for being totally unexpected. I
>>> will wait to see if the Secretariat approves these nominees; if so, I
>>> promise to have some interesting things to say! Congratulations to Dr
>>> Burcu Kilic as well; I look forward to listening to her.
>>> Milton L Mueller
>>> Syracuse University School of Information Studies
>>> http://faculty.ischool.syr.edu/mueller/
>>> Internet Governance Project
>>> http://internetgovernance.org
>>> *From:*governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org
>>> [mailto:governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org] *On Behalf Of *Mawaki Chango
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 26, 2014 5:49 AM
>>> *To:* Internet Governance
>>> *Subject:* [governance] Fwd: [cs-coord] Civil Society Speakers for IGF
>>> Closing Ceremony
>>> Dear all,
>>> The Civil Society Coordination Group (CSCG) has forwarded the below two
>>> CS nominations to the IGF Secretariat for speaker spots at the Istanbul
>>> IGF's closing ceremony. As one of your two IGC co-Coordinators, I have
>>> been tasked to represent this Caucus within that Group. Therefore and
>>> for your information, I am hereby forwarding the letter addressed by the
>>> CSCG Chair to the IGF Secretariat to that effect. At this point in time
>>> and in absence of well-developed and established selection procedures,
>>> all the Group members have done the best we could to choose those we
>>> believe (for various reasons) to be the strongest candidates for this
>>> opportunity among all strong candidates. It is our intent and part of
>>> our post-Istanbul agenda to work on clearly developing such procedures.
>>> For now, let us congratulate the nominees, Milton and Burcu.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Mawaki
>>> IGC Co-Coordinator and IGC Rep. to CS Coordination Group
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: *Ian Peter* <ian.peter at ianpeter.com <mailto:ian.peter at ianpeter.com>>
>>> Date: Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 4:21 AM
>>> Subject: [cs-coord] Civil Society Speakers for IGF Closing Ceremony
>>> To: igf at unog.ch <mailto:igf at unog.ch>
>>> Cc: cs-coord at lists.bestbits.net <mailto:cs-coord at lists.bestbits.net>,
>>> Subi Chaturvedi <subichaturvedi at gmail.com <mailto:subichaturvedi at gmail.com>>
>>> Dear Secretariat,
>>> Subi Chaturvedi passed on to us your request for civil society
>>> nominations for speakers for this years IGF Closing Ceremony. Thank you
>>> for ensuring that civil society is involved in choosing its
>>> representatives to speak on this occasion.
>>> This request was dealt with by the Internet Governance Civil Society Co
>>> ordination Group (CSCG). This peak group consists of representatives of
>>> the major civil society coalitions involved in Internet Governance
>>> issues, including Internet Governance Caucus, Best Bits, Association for
>>> Progressive Communications, Diplo Foundation, Just Net Coalition,
>>> Civicus, and Non Commercial Stakeholders Group of ICANN. The group,
>>> founded in 2013, has a primary role to ensure a co-ordinated civil
>>> society response and conduit when it comes to making civil society
>>> appointments to outside bodies. This was accepted and respected during
>>> the NetMundial (Brazil) process, and by the 1net community, and we will
>>> be pleased to also work with IGF in the future as regards civil society
>>> representation.
>>> It was therefore appropriate for this body to consider the question of
>>> speakers for the IGF closing session as requested.
>>> After calling for expressions of interest and nominations through the
>>> various networks, the CSCG discussed prospective speakers and makes the
>>> following recommendations.
>>> Firstly, we believe that civil society must have two speakers. Just like
>>> governments or any other stakeholder group, we have more perspectives
>>> than can be handled with just one speaking slot, and even with two
>>> speakers we feel we are under-represented.
>>> With this in mind, and bearing also in mind the multistakeholder
>>> principle that stakeholders should choose their own representatives, we
>>> submit the following two names.
>>> Our first speaker is Dr Burcu Kilic. Dr Kilic is a Turkish citizen who
>>> is an expert on legal, economic and political issues surrounding
>>> intellectual property law, policy, development and innovation. We are
>>> pleased to be able to nominate such a talented speaker from the host
>>> country.
>>> Our second speaker is Dr Milton Mueller. Dr Mueller is a Professor at
>>> Syracuse University. His research, teaching and public service for the
>>> last 15 years have been concentrated on the internet governance arena.
>>> Please let us know if you need any further information or contact details.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Ian Peter
>>> Independent Chair, on behalf of the Internet Governance Civil Society
>>> Coordination Group
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> --
> `````````````````````````````````
> anriette esterhuysen
> executive director
> association for progressive communications
> po box 29755, melville, 2109, south africa
> anriette at apc.org
> www.apc.org
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