[governance] Fwd: [cs-coord] Civil Society Speakers for IGF Closing Ceremony

Mawaki Chango kichango at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 05:48:33 EDT 2014

Dear all,

The Civil Society Coordination Group (CSCG) has forwarded the below two CS
nominations to the IGF Secretariat for speaker spots at the Istanbul IGF's
closing ceremony. As one of your two IGC co-Coordinators, I have been
tasked to represent this Caucus within that Group. Therefore and for your
information, I am hereby forwarding the letter addressed by the CSCG Chair
to the IGF Secretariat to that effect. At this point in time and in absence
of well-developed and established selection procedures, all the Group
members have done the best we could to choose those we believe (for various
reasons) to be the strongest candidates for this opportunity among all
strong candidates. It is our intent and part of our post-Istanbul agenda to
work on clearly developing such procedures.

For now, let us congratulate the nominees, Milton and Burcu.
Best regards,

IGC Co-Coordinator and IGC Rep. to CS Coordination Group

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 4:21 AM
Subject: [cs-coord] Civil Society Speakers for IGF Closing Ceremony
To: igf at unog.ch
Cc: cs-coord at lists.bestbits.net, Subi Chaturvedi <subichaturvedi at gmail.com>

  Dear Secretariat,

Subi Chaturvedi passed on to us your request for civil society nominations
for speakers for this years IGF Closing Ceremony. Thank you for ensuring
that civil society is involved in choosing its representatives to speak on
this occasion.

This request was dealt with by the Internet Governance Civil Society Co
ordination Group (CSCG). This peak group consists of representatives of the
major civil society coalitions involved in Internet Governance issues,
including Internet Governance Caucus, Best Bits, Association for
Progressive Communications, Diplo Foundation, Just Net Coalition, Civicus,
and Non Commercial Stakeholders Group of ICANN. The group, founded in 2013,
has a primary role to ensure a co-ordinated civil society response and
conduit when it comes to making civil society appointments to outside
bodies. This was accepted and respected during the NetMundial (Brazil)
process, and by the 1net community, and we will be pleased to also work
with IGF in the future as regards civil society representation.

It was therefore appropriate for this body to consider the question of
speakers for the IGF closing session as requested.

After calling for expressions of interest and nominations through the
various networks, the CSCG discussed prospective speakers and makes the
following recommendations.

Firstly, we believe that civil society must have two speakers. Just like
governments or any other stakeholder group, we have more perspectives than
can be handled with just one speaking slot,  and even with two speakers we
feel we are under-represented.

With this in mind, and bearing also in mind the multistakeholder principle
that stakeholders should choose their own representatives, we submit the
following two names.


Our first speaker is Dr Burcu Kilic. Dr Kilic is a Turkish citizen who is
an expert on legal, economic and political issues surrounding intellectual
property law, policy, development and innovation. We are pleased to be able
to nominate such a talented speaker from the host country.


Our second speaker is Dr Milton Mueller. Dr Mueller is a Professor at
Syracuse University. His research, teaching and public service for the last
15 years have been concentrated on the internet governance arena.

Please let us know if you need any further information or contact details.


Ian Peter

Independent Chair, on behalf of the Internet Governance Civil Society
Coordination Group

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