[governance] How to address the cooptation problem? (was Re: Breaking my silence... )

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Sun Apr 20 17:56:57 EDT 2014

(crossposting trimmed)

Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com> wrote:

> However, if you remember the circumstances, IGC had been reduced to
> one co-ordinator who was about to retire, and this list was at its
> divisive best on any matter, be it policy on process. I would
> personally have supported a diplomatically worded letter if it had
> been discussed and agreed to, and so would many others. I am sorry
> that did not happen.

I think that the bigger question is how this type of situation can be
dealt with in the future, should it arise again.

I mean, if the type of multistakeholderism in which stakeholder
category representatives have some role is there to stay, and there is
any kind of power or significance attached, of course there will again
and again be attempts to introduce coopted persons as civil society

And if no good way of addressing this problem is found, there will
consequently again and again be accusations, some percentage of which
will in fact be unfounded, with some people getting caught between the
lines of such conflicts through little fault of their own.

I don't think it realistic to expect IGC to be able to agree on
anything in this regard, but at least we could discuss what a (not
formally IGC based, to be implemented by some kind of alliance of the
willing) solution might look like.

For example, I'm pretty sure that some kind of transparency principles /
commitments will necessarily have to be part of such a solution.



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