[governance] NETmundial: hubs and remote participation

jfcallo at ciencitec.com jfcallo at ciencitec.com
Fri Apr 18 20:37:25 EDT 2014

Dear Carine Ross
The problem is that does not work here ISOC Chapter has not been  
respected the renewal policy, everything has been made of tyrannical,  
despotic and pesonal way.
For this reason a group of people, we are forming INTERNAUTAPERU.ORG
We are concerned that our country can not participate. He would beg me  
know even if is possible.
thank you very much
Jose F. Callo Romero
presidencia at internautaperu.org
jfcallo at ciencitec.com

Señorita Carine Ross
El problema es que aqui no funciona el Capitulo de ISOC, no se ha  
respetado la renovacion de directiva, todo se ha hecho de manera  
tiranica, despota y pesonal.
Por esta razon un grupo de personas, estamos formando INTERNAUTAPERU.ORG
Nos preocupa que nuestro país no pueda participar. Le rogaria me  
comunique si aun es posible hacerlo.
Muchas gracias
Jose F. Callo Romero
presidencia at internautaperu.org
jfcallo at ciencitec.com

Carine Roos <carine at netmundial.br> escribió:

> Dear Jose,
> We did not receive your remote participation hub proposal. Could you please
> re-send us again your application? We may consider adding it as an official
> remote hub. But we are very close to the event date, so it may be a bit
> more difficult than it's been with the other hubs.
> You can also organize your own hub. Nothing forbids you from gathering your
> local community to watch the video stream together and promote a local
> internet governance debate.
> best regards
> Carine
> *Carine Roos*
> *Content*
> carine at netmundial.br
> +55 (11) 5509-3537 ext. 4104
> 23, 24 – April 2014 – São Paulo, Brazil
> *#netmundial2014*
> *www.netmundial.org <http://www.netmundial.org/>*
> 2014-04-18 15:48 GMT-03:00 Marilia Maciel <mariliamaciel at gmail.com>:
>> Hello Jose, I will put you in touch with the Secretariat, ok? If you
>> applied, maybe the information is just missing from the website, that's all.
>> Best,
>> Marilia
>> On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 3:20 PM, <jfcallo at ciencitec.com> wrote:
>>> Distinguida Marilia
>>> Previo saludo, ¿que paso?, porque no han considerado al Perú.
>>> Muchas gracias
>>> Atentamente
>>> Jose F. Callo Romero
>>> Miembro Fundador de ISOC- Chapter Peru
>>> Presidente Organizador
>>> internautaperu.org
>>> Marilia Maciel <mariliamaciel at gmail.com> escribió:
>>>  Dear all, I would like to remind everybody once more of opporunities for
>>>> remote participation in NETmundial.
>>>> The list of hubs around the globe and their addresses can be found here:
>>>> http://netmundial.br/remote-participation/
>>>> Hubs will be able to send comments to NETmundial. The chair will ensure
>>>> that the opportunity to take the floor rotates among stakeholders and
>>>> that
>>>> will include a "queue"  for remote participants. The idea is to bring
>>>> remote participants in on very fair grounds.
>>>> If there is a hub in your city, I would personally encourage you to
>>>> follow
>>>> NETmundial in the company of others in a hub. It is a very enriching
>>>> experience and an opportunity for community building and networking. Of
>>>> course, anyone can connect individually, from wherever they are.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Marilia
>>>> --
>>>> *Marília Maciel*
>>>> Pesquisadora Gestora
>>>> Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade - FGV Direito Rio
>>>> Researcher and Coordinator
>>>> Center for Technology & Society - FGV Law School
>>>> http://direitorio.fgv.br/cts
>>>> DiploFoundation associate
>>>> www.diplomacy.edu
>> --
>> *Marília Maciel*
>> Pesquisadora Gestora
>> Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade - FGV Direito Rio
>> Researcher and Coordinator
>> Center for Technology & Society - FGV Law School
>> http://direitorio.fgv.br/cts
>> DiploFoundation associate
>> www.diplomacy.edu
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