[governance] RE: [bestbits] Nnenna to Keynote at Netmundial - Civil Society major issues

Ephraim Percy Kenyanito ekenyanito at gmail.com
Tue Apr 15 15:17:22 EDT 2014

+1 on Anja's conments.


Ephraim Percy Kenyanito
On Apr 15, 2014 9:34 PM, "Anja Kovacs" <anja at internetdemocracy.in> wrote:

> Congrats, Nnenna! This is very good news indeed.
> Many good proposals have been made already. Following up on Anriette's
> comments on multistakeholderism and trust, I would in particularly like to
> support recommendations to not just mention the struggle of engaging with
> multiple stakeholders etc, but also the urgent need for checks and
> balances, including transparency and accountability, and appropriate action
> where these standards are violated. It might be worthwhile to add that if
> such efforts are not stepped up, support from multistakeholderism will
> erode quickly as trust in the system will simply have disappeared.
> Thank you for the opportunity to provide input and make proposals - much
> appreciated.
> Anja
> On 15 April 2014 19:51, Jean-Christophe NOTHIAS I The Global Journal <
> jc.nothias at theglobaljournal.net> wrote:
>> Congrats Nnenna!
>> May I add to Mike excellent comments, one point?
>> Nnenna, I am not sure if you will be there *intuitu personae, persona
>> grata *or representing some, part, or all of Civil society entities
>> (?!), but just in case you represent some of our thoughts and opinions, I
>> think it would be nice to mention that among civil society there are people
>> who disagree with the *equal stakeholder - equal rights - equal footing* thinking and narrative. Stakeholder voices might all be equal, meaning
>> equally audible, but that amusing "equal footing" expression doesn't mean
>> that these respectable voices are legitimate or representative of anything,
>> anyone, and properly checked and balanced. So equal voices with different
>> rights, that might be interesting to explore. But equal footing meaning
>> equal rights among stakeholders, that jungle is right the opposite of
>> Democracy, where corporations are still not invited to make the law, and
>> participate and seat in parliaments on an equal footing. The *market*seating in the Congress, I wish never to see that in my life. It sounds
>> like some kind of very un-democratic thing. I do remember that some
>> comments on these lists where made about civil servants (and their so
>> called legendary inability to work without other people holding the pencil
>> for them, which I tend to think as very untrue), and I know that
>> governmental bashing is just the legitimate cousin of democratic bashing,
>> but please voice equally and multistakeholderly that there are a diversity
>> of views. We know that NetMundial will not be able to provide dialogue, but
>> more some sort of convergence (+1...) out of magic wonder, still it would
>> to see some principles are respected when it comes to express the diversity
>> of views.
>> Sorry for the ironic tone in that last sentence.
>> JC
>> Le 15 avr. 2014 à 15:02, michael gurstein a écrit :ung
>> Congrats Nnenna,
>> Since you are asking for suggestions for points to cover I would suggest
>> the following:
>> 1.       A formal commitment/re-commitment to the Internet for the
>> Common Good/in the Public Interest… I only see minor and off-handed
>> references to this in the NetMundial statement but there needs to be a
>> full-on commitment/re-commitment to this.  This is especially the case
>> given the risks of fragmentation/privatization of interests a “stakeholder”
>> approach to Internet governance presents.
>> 2.       Framing/reframing “multistakeholderism” as a useful element in
>> policy consultation and development, with suitable measures being in place
>> to ensure the probity and accountability of  these processes, within the
>> context of democratic decision making. I like the phrase “multistakeholder
>> dialogue in a democratic framework”.
>> 3.       Linking Internet Governance with social (and economic)
>> justice.  The Internet is becoming a dominant means for economic activity
>> and wealth distribution/redistribution. Internet Governance, which in the
>> NetMundial document is extended to include the “Right to Development” needs
>> also to address social justice issues which are rapidly becoming the
>> dominant issues of our time.
>> 4.       Finding the means to allow the widest range of voices into the
>> Internet Governance dialogue. What this means is going beyond simple
>> “capacity building” which ultimately can only enable the few, into
>> designing processes and mechanisms which allow for the many to have a
>> useful understanding of the broader issues and mechanisms to give voice and
>> have those voices heard.
>>  Good luck with it.
>> Mike
>> *From:* bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net [mailto:
>> bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net] *On Behalf Of *Nnenna Nwakanma
>> *Sent:* Monday, April 14, 2014 11:36 PM
>> *To:* Governance; bestbits at lists.bestbits.netso
>> *Subject:* [bestbits] Nnenna to Keynote at Netmundial - Civil Society
>> major issues
>> Dear all,
>> I got a message this morning from NetMundial Chair, Virgilo, inviting me
>> to speak at the Opening Ceremony of Netmundial (meaning I have to pack one
>> of those African dresses) for some 8 minutes.
>> I have replied to say "I will be speaking from the Civil Society
>> perspective, which is my Stakeholder Group".
>> There is a Web Foundation media team that will help me put my ideas into
>> place, but I cannot not request input from here, so that no major issues
>> will be overlooked.
>> I travel Thursday evening thru Friday, so the earliest I can share a
>> draft/keypoints will be Monday.
>> Hope we can pull this off well.
>> All for now
>> Nnenna
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> --
> Dr. Anja Kovacs
> The Internet Democracy Project
> +91 9899028053 | @anjakovacs
> www.internetdemocracy.in
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