[governance] Re: [bestbits] Letters from Indian Civil Society organisations to the Chair of NetMundial regarding appointment of civil society co-chair

Suresh Ramasubramanian suresh at hserus.net
Thu Apr 10 02:52:26 EDT 2014

Given that most people on the list don't know her from adam, there isn't as 
much point as you would think in entering into a he said she said series of 
accusations against any specific individual.

On 10 April 2014 11:18:34 am parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:

> I wonder if civil society groups have any response to the below...
> this issue was first brought to the notice to global civil society groups a 
> few weeks back when almost all civil society organisations from India wrote 
> a letter against appointment of Subi as co chair of NetMundial... It was 
> most disappointing to face a stony silence from the global networks with 
> regard to that representation, which is indeed disrespectful of the Indian 
> civil society.
> Now, we have a newspaper report 
> <http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/executive-of-telecom-giant-that-aided-nsa-spying-is-on-india-s-cyber-security-panel/article1-1205483.aspx> 
> which not only produces evidence of plagiarism against Subi but , much more 
> importantly, also shows clearly who is behind her installation as 
> NetMundial Co chair - the US big business. And still no response.
> May I request the IGC co-cos to take up this issue. And also 1Net steering 
> committee members, and civil society members of the executive committee and 
> high level committee.
> At least please respond to the issue.
>   If civil society reps wont respond to this issue, I am not sure what
> they would respond to, and in which manner they then 'represent' civil 
> society... Here there is practically the entire Indian civil society 
> involved in IG writing a representation, about issues that are now further 
> exacerbated by the news report 
> <http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/executive-of-telecom-giant-that-aided-nsa-spying-is-on-india-s-cyber-security-panel/article1-1205483.aspx> 
> in a top national daily of India. And we find no visible support.
> Thanks
> parminder
> On Tuesday 08 April 2014 11:31 PM, Rishab Bailey wrote:
> > Dear All,
> >
> > Further to the letter from Indian civil society groups to the Chair of 
> NetMundial (regarding the appointment of the civil society co-chair for the 
> meeting), please find attached:
> >
> > (a) the original letter from members of Indian civil society to Prof. 
> Virgilio Almeida,
> > (b) follow up email from members of Indian civil society to Prof. 
> Virgilio Almeida;
> > (b) response of Prof. Almeida to Indian civil society groups.
> >
> > Also do note a recent article published in a leading Indian newspaper 
> giving some of the context behind this: 
> http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/executive-of-telecom-giant-that-aided-nsa-spying-is-on-india-s-cyber-security-panel/article1-1205483.aspx 
> >
> >
> > Two of the documents referred to in the above article (concerning 
> plagiarism charges) are also attached to this email.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Rishab Bailey
> > (for the Society for Knowledge Commons, India)
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