[governance] Re: [IRPCoalition] IGF Assessments Call for information

Deirdre Williams williams.deirdre at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 15:28:23 EDT 2014

Following Anriette's message yesterday does IGC have any suggestions
of "concrete
decisions or actions that have been taken as a result of engagement during
the current mandate of the IGF the 2011, 2012 and 2013 IGFs". We have until
30th June for submission.

On 1 April 2014 05:31, Anriette Esterhuysen <anriette at apc.org> wrote:

>  Dear all this is important. Compiled responses would be good if possible.
> Anriette
> -------- Original Message --------  Subject: [IGFmaglist] Call for
> information  Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2014 10:07:12 +0300  From: Janis Karklins
> <karklinsj at gmail.com> <karklinsj at gmail.com>  To:
> igfmaglist at intgovforum.org <igfmaglist at intgovforum.org><igfmaglist at intgovforum.org>
>  Dear MAG members,
> As we discussed during the last conference call pls see the call for
> information concerning the concrete actions and decisions that have been
> taken as a result of the engagement at the various IGFs.
> Pls disseminate this call as wide as possible and encourage organization
> provide a brief account.
> Thank you
> JK
> The Internet Governance Forum was created by the World Summit on the
> Information Society as a multistakeholder discussion platform on Internet
> governance related issues. The goals of the IGF are to provide a platform
> for information exchange, identify emerging challenges and possible
> solutions to addressing them, provide capacity building, identify and
> disseminate best practices and forge partnerships for concrete actions.
> Over the past few years, some critics of the IGF have suggested that no
> actions have been taken and that no decisions are made at the IGF - that
> it is just a "talk shop".
> In order to dissipate those doubts about the "action orientation" of the
> IGF it would be useful to collect data about concrete actions and
> decisions that have been taken by different stakeholders as a result of the
> engagement and discussions of Internet related issues at the various IGFs(international, regional or national).
> In this respect, I would like to invite all of those organizations and
> institutions that would be willing to share information, *on a voluntary
> basis*, about concrete decisions or actions that have been taken as a
> result of engagement during the current mandate of the IGF the 2011, 2012
> and 2013 IGFs to do so by sending brief information to the IGFSecretariat (insert the e-mail address) by 30 June 2014. The Secretariat
> will compile all information received and will present a synthesized report
> at the Istanbul IGF.
> Thank you for your participation
> Janis Karklins
> Interim Chair of the MAG
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"The fundamental cure for poverty is not money but knowledge" Sir William
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