[governance] Draft Civil Society Brief [Background/Overview and Proposal]
parminder at itforchange.net
Thu Oct 24 21:03:26 EDT 2013
On Friday 25 October 2013 05:50 AM, Norbert Bollow wrote:
> Am Fri, 25 Oct 2013 08:03:06 +0800
> schrieb Jeremy Malcolm <jeremy at ciroap.org>:
> snip
> We could launch it on igcaucus.org - since this hasn't gone through a
> formal IGC consensus process, it wouldn't be an IGC statement,
It shoukd go through the process, and it should be an IGC statement. An
effort was initiated a few days back to write an IGC statement about the
Brazil meeting ad some people wanted more information and preferred a
f2f meeting to understand ting... Now that has happened, the process
should be resumes in the IGC.. And I am pretty sure we can agree on a
text and issue it by consensus. It will a pity if IGC begins to kind of
cast off its role as a consensus seeker for common positions and doing
advocacy on the basis of that..
> but in
> view of the fact that according to our Charter IGC is to be, among
> other things, “a forum for advocacy”, we can certainly put it up as a
> sign-on statement.
> Thoughts?
> Greetings,
> Norbert
>> We, the undersigned organizations and individuals from around the
>> world, recognize that we are in a critical moment for the Internet
>> Governance regime, in which the increasing use of surveillance
>> mechanisms pose a challenge the whole community to tackle. Proactive
>> action is required to restore trust and to ensure human rights are
>> respected and uphold. We remain committed to the development of an
>> open Internet and its use for advancing human rights, express our
>> hope and expectation that the Internet governance summit in Brazil in
>> 2014 incorporate a multistakeholder model of agenda setting,
>> participation and decision making from its inception.
>> This requires:
>> The event should discuss what Internet governance architecture is
>> required to support an inclusive, people-centric,
>> development-oriented information society. We believe that this
>> requires at the very minimum that such a structure is democratic, in
>> that it should be inclusive of all countries and all stakeholders,
>> and that it protects and promotes human rights. The full
>> participation of civil society stakeholders in planning and in the
>> meeting should be guaranteed and resourced. A strengthened Internet
>> Governance Forum could play a role in the future Internet governance
>> arrangements to be discussed at the event, and it should be linked
>> with the CSTD WGEC process as appropriate. The event should extend
>> beyond good will speeches or presentations of good intentions and
>> seek to produce actionable outputs. Modalities should be developed to
>> allow all stakeholders, including remote participants, to participate
>> on an equal footing from the preparatory process to final outputs.
>> We stress that opening doors for more stakeholders to attend
>> meetings is not sufficient. Multistakeholderism has been used with a
>> variety of meanings, sometimes only referring to a very limited kind
>> of openness and consultation. If the goal is to achieve an open,
>> inclusive and participatory debate, it is crucial that civil society
>> is centrally involved at every step of the decision-making process.
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