[governance] IGC Feedback on Internet Principles and Dynamic Coalition [ Call for Comments]

Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com
Mon Oct 21 16:28:21 EDT 2013

Dear All,

In yesterday's breakfast chat, we invited the community to give us feedback
on their position on the 21 clauses that are extensions of the 10 broad
principles produced by the Internet Principles and Dynamic Coalition. Thank
you for those who have sent their feedback. Kindly advise us whether you
support it, have reservations or object to it. Kindly note that before Day
2 (which is tomorrow) we would like to have received as much feedback as
possible so we can channel your views through to the Coalition in their
Workshop. Please also put your country in paranthesis.

Marianne Franklin also has alot of booklets (hard copies of the Principles)
and she is happy to give them out for those wishing to take some back to
their communities for further engagement and discussion or adoption. They
are free.

*IGC Feedback on Internet Principles and Dynamic Coalition [ Call for

10 Broad Principles


   1. *Universality*
   2. * Accessibility*
   3. * Neutrality*
   4. * Rights*
   5. * Expression*
   6. *Life, Liberty, and Security*
   7. *Privacy*
   8. *Diversity*
   9. *Standards & Regulation*
   10. *Governance*


*1.    **Right to Access to the Internet*

Support: Harish Pillay (Singapore)

*2.    **Right to Non- Discrimination to Internet Access, Use and Governance

Support: Harish Pillay (Singapore)

*3.    **Right to Liberty and Security on the Internet*

Support: Harish Pillay (Singapore)

*4.    Right to Development through the Internet*

*5.    Freedom of Expression and Information on the Internet*

*6.    Freedom of Religion and Belief on the Internet*

*7.    Freedom of Online Assembly and Association*

*8.    Right to Privacy on the Internet*

*9.    Right to Digital Data Protection*

*10. **Right to Education On or About the Internet*

*11. Right to Culture and Access to Knowledge on the Internet***

*12. Rights of Children On the Internet*

*13 Rights of People with Disabilities and the Internet*

*14. Right to Work and the Internet***

*Reservation: McTim (US)*

*15. Rights to Online Participation in Public Affairs*

*16. Rights to Consumer Protection on the Internet*

*17. Rights to Health and Social Services on the Internet***

*Reservation: McTim (US)*

*18. Right to Legal Remedy and Fair Trial for Actions Involving the Internet

*19 Right to Appropriate Social and International Order for the Internet***

Reservation: McTim (US)

*20. Duties and Responsibilities of the Internet***

*Objection: McTim (US)*

*21. **General Clauses*

*Additional Comments*

[Harish Pillay]:

I can see the value of three separately stated rights, but I am curious
as to the downside of listing them all in one or for that matter subparts
of 1 like 1a), 1b) and 1c).

> 4.    Right to Development through the Internet
> 5.    Freedom of Expression and Information on the Internet
> 6.    Freedom of Religion and Belief on the Internet
> 7.    Freedom of Online Assembly and Association
> 8.    Right to Privacy on the Internet
> 9.    Right to Digital Data Protection

Shouldn't 8 and 9 be placed with 1-4?

> 10. Right to Education On or About the Internet
> 11. Rights of Children On the Internet
> 12. Rights of People with Disabilities and the Internet
> 13. Right to Work and the Internet
> 14. Rights to Online Participation in Public Affairs
> 15. Rights to Consumer Protection on the Internet
> 16. Rights to Health and Social Services on the Internet
> 17. Right to Legal Remedy and Fair Trial for Actions Involving the
> 18. Right to Appropriate Social and International Order for the Internet
> 19. Duties and Responsibilities of the Internet

[John Curran]:

FYI, pdf has a #11 re culture, which your list below does not.

(i.e. 21 total in the pdf, not 20)

Editor’s Note: Thank you John for highlighting the mistake. This has been
corrected accordingly. J
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