more offlist Re: [governance] RE: [bestbits] Rousseff & Chehade: Brazil will host world event on Internet governance in 2014
Adam Peake
ajp at
Fri Oct 11 13:28:41 EDT 2013
well, that wasn't offlist. Apologies to Carlos in particular.
Never mind...
On Oct 12, 2013, at 2:26 AM, Adam Peake wrote:
> Hi Anja, suspect you're right.
> Are you chatting with Carlos about the IGF program etc? If he is in contact with his President's advisors/aides then perhaps message of this kind could be delivered in a dialogue, as discussion points saying International civil society has points to make etc. Really depends on his access and his willingness. He's already messenger and that can be uncomfortable.
> Adam
> On Oct 12, 2013, at 2:07 AM, Anja Kovacs wrote:
>> When civil society writes too many letters to a person in short succession, I am afraid they loose their force. As I wrote on the Best Bits list, CS letters should be received with a mix of excitement and apprehension, I am concerned that when we send a third, more detailed letter to President Rousseff next week, she will simply receive it with fatigue.
>> Civil society is asking for seats at the table all the time. The point is what we do when we get there. I think a more detailed letter in ten days time will have more force.
>> Also because we don't have to sit still in the mean time. There are other ways in which we can make evident to the Brazilian government that we are interested in working with them on this and support this idea, including by communicating with them to find out more directly and by seeing whether we can work with them on this through the IGF.
>> My two paise,
>> Anja
>> On 11 October 2013 22:04, Norbert Bollow <nb at> wrote:
>> Parminder <parminder at> wrote:
>>> You are just making a general statement that caution and foresight is
>>> good - and with such a statement who can disagree.... But here I
>>> havent been told the risk - and beyond a point, just about any
>>> political act carries risk.
>> Also, not acting when an opportunity presents itself carries
>> more than just the risk of losing that opportunity, it carries the
>> certainty of losing that opportunity.
>> Greetings,
>> Norbert
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