[governance] RE: [bestbits] Rousseff & Chehade: Brazil will host world event on Internet governance in 2014
michael gurstein
gurstein at gmail.com
Wed Oct 9 23:50:57 EDT 2013
Why so pessimistic and cynical everyone.. I may be wrong but this isn't just
about ICANN, although hats off to Fadi for getting this going and putting
that into play
But I would be extremely surprised if the Pres. of Brazil is going to invite
the world to Rio in April next year to discuss names and numbers. Rather my
reading is that she is by-passing the quite evident log-jam at the ITU, the
frivolities of the IGF, the now discredited "Internet Freedom" crusade and
the status quo which it was intended to cast into concrete errr
(non) rules
and regs.
In fact, I think she is inviting all of us to figure out how to participate
effectively (and that is among the most interesting elements of the message)
to make some serious decisions about what our collective future might look
like AND in doing this she has completely up set the status quoist,
corporatist, hemegon's applecarts about using the Internet (and its
NSA/GCHQ/CSEC enforcers) to give us the future that they want.
So bravo Dilma (and Fadi) and even if it is only for a short while (before
we all get overcome again by the Walking Dead) let's do some collective
dreaming about how to manage the Internet to build the world that we want
not the one that they wanted us to have (in their interests
From: bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net
[mailto:bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net] On Behalf Of Lee W McKnight
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 7:31 PM
To: Rafik Dammak; Joana Varon
Cc: Carlos A. Afonso; bestbits at lists.bestbits.net> <
governance at lists.igcaucus.org; NCSG List
Subject: RE: [bestbits] Rousseff & Chehade: Brazil will host world event on
Internet governance in 2014
2 more cents re how high the summit:
Given the call for tech community/cs leaders to engage with heads of state;
while everyone maintains a claim to multi-stakeholder (and/or multilateral)
democratic/participatory legitimacy, even as mega-telco CEOS jet in from
around the world...this should all be more than interesting.
If the meeting involves President Rousseff and other heads of state, by
definition this is not a run of the mill thing.
Or IG forum.
But rather than WEF, what it might most closely resemble....is an ICANN
meeting, where lots of groups come together, lots of things are happening,
but when one door closes only GAC members are in the room.
In this case, the photo-ops of heads of state + ICANN, ARIN, LACNIC, etc +
telco CEOs will send its own message of love peace and harmony among
nation-states, global Internet, and industry. What's not to like? : )
If enough heads of state want in on the photo ops and policy discussions,
then think G20 or even G30; with the accompanying cs + industry sideshows
typical of G7/G8 events.
While other portions of event likely will be pretty wide open and bottom-up
participatory, a la ICANN biz as usual.
And yes for Brazilian domestic actors, this is also a great chance to cement
gains and lock the President and Congress into cs-progressive positions,
since she wouldn't wish for anything like the civil society protests
happening during this event, which from FIFA and President Rousseff's
perspective distracted from the football last summer.
Bottom line: Congrats, breakthrough has already happened, the whole event
will not very likely do much more than bless the ball already rolling.
From: Rafik Dammak [rafik.dammak at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 9:33 PM
To: Joana Varon
Cc: Lee W McKnight; Carlos A. Afonso; bestbits at lists.bestbits.net
<mailto:bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>> > <
governance at lists.igcaucus.org; NCSG List
Subject: Re: [bestbits] Rousseff & Chehade: Brazil will host world event on
Internet governance in 2014
maybe I will looks quite cautious against the enthusiasm and excitement
emerging here, but listening to Fadi short message, I am wondering about the
meaning of openness since he is talking about "leaders" of governments,
civil society etc (I think that is alarm bell for those familiar to his
speeches). it may look like the WEF of IG more than IGF alike.
while we are still having heated discussion about the "inflation" of
conference and venues like Cyber Conf in seoul , how can we welcome such
2013/10/10 Joana Varon <joana at varonferraz.com>
Very interesting and very crazy (in a good way, I guess).
On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Lee W McKnight <lmcknigh at syr.edu> wrote:
Waiting for any UN process is not the way things like this happen.
Brazil + ICANN = critical mass for a next phase process. Agenda-setting
moment was President Rousseff at UNGA, for a new game which will reference
those already played but need not be limited to process, schedule, or terms
of prior phases.
UN orgs will of course be invited and can participate, and the President
will work around existing UN schedules to extent feasible, but boxing the
new thing into the old schedule is probably not what was just agreed.
My 2 cents of veteran but perhaps off-base global policy process assessment.
From: bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net
[bestbits-request at lists.bestbits.net] on behalf of Joana Varon
[joana at varonferraz.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 5:59 PM
To: Carlos A. Afonso
Cc: bestbits at lists.bestbits.net> < governance at lists.igcaucus.org; NCSG
Subject: Re: [bestbits] Rousseff & Chehade: Brazil will host world event on
Internet governance in 2014
I was a bit puzzled in terms of UN processes. Could it be the red
interrogation mark on our visualization map?
I mean, does she has to wait for Sharm el Sheik meeting on the WSIS+10
process? Or we can have a summit completely independent? During MPP phase 2
meeting this week it was evident that Brazil wanted a high level event after
sharm el sheik, but I didnt envision a Summit coming and I wonder if both
processes will be connected.
On Oct 9, 2013 6:46 PM, "Carlos A. Afonso" <ca at cafonso.ca> wrote:
[sorry for possible duplicate posts]
Dear people
Here is the Google Translate English version (I did some editing) of the
official report on the meeting between President Rousseff and ICANN's
President and CEO Fadi Chehadé, which just happened.
The original version in Brazilian Portuguese is at the end.
fraternal regards
Brazil will host world event on Internet governance
From the editor :: Convergência Digital :: 09/10/2013
Brazil will host the meeting in 2014 to discuss the necessary changes to
Internet governance. After meeting with the president of the Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann, its acronym in
English), Fadi Chehadé, President Dilma Rousseff agreed to meet global
leaders from different sectors interested in the topic.
According to Chehadé, the world counts on Brazil's leadership on this
issue, after President Dilma Rousseff spoke at the opening of the 68th
UN General Assembly, held in September in the United States. "The world
heard the Brazilian president, who spoke with deep conviction, with
great courage, and expressed the frustration that many people around the
world feel about the fact that the trust relationship we have with the
Internet had been broken,"said, revealing that the speech by Dilma was
the motivation of his proposal for their meeting.
Chehadé cited allegations of espionage involving the communication of
Brazilian authorities and citizens, among them the very president,
Petrobras and the Ministry of Mines and Energy. "I came to ask the
president to elevate her leadership to a new level, to ensure that we
can all get together around a new model of governance in which all are
equal," he said. The president of Icann said that future decisions on
how leaders can manage the internet should be based on the principles of
the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet in Brazil which is going
through the National Congress.
Fadi Chehadé was yesterday (Oct.7th) with Communications Minister Paulo
Bernardo, to ask for help from Brazil to start discussions about changes
in the governance of the Internet, and said that the arrangements should
begin this year. According to him, the need for a new governing body of
the Internet requires the involvement of multiple actors, not just the
"I understand that the internet has a new feature that requires active
participation by governments, their respective agencies within the
United Nations, but also in the context of users, civil society, the
technicians, who after all make the Internet work," Chehadé defended.
For the president of the corporation, academics and industrialists need
to participate in the debate, as they reflect on rights and carry out
the management of the Internet infrastructure.
The president of Icann said telecommunications companies must also
attend the conference."They are integral part of the family with which
we must work," he said. According to Paulo Bernardo, President Dilma
agreed that changes in network governance must occur multilaterally and
with the participation of all actors who engage the internet, and said
that "we must not allow economic, political and religious interests to
interfere in the free circulation of ideas." The minister said that the
suggestion of the president is that the event be held in April 2014 in
Rio de Janeiro.
Source : Agência Brazil
-------- original in pt-br -------------
O Brasil vai sediar em 2014 o encontro para discutir as mudanças
necessárias para a governança da internet. Após se encontrar com o
presidente da Corporação da Internet para Atribuição de Nomes e Números
(Icann, na sigla em inglês), Fadi Chehadé, a presidenta Dilma Rousseff
concordou em reunir líderes globais de diferentes setores interessados
no tema.
De acordo com Chehadé, o mundo conta com a liderança brasileira nesta
questão, depois que a Presidenta Dilma Rousseff discursou na abertura da
68ª Assembleia Geral da ONU, ocorrida em setembro nos Estados Unidos. O
mundo ouviu a Presidenta brasileira, que falou com profunda convicção,
com muita coragem, e externou a frustração que muitas pessoas, em todo
mundo, sentiam com o fato de que a confiança havia sido quebrada que
temos com relação à internet, disse, revelando que o discurso de Dilma
foi a motivação da sua proposta para o encontro.
Chehadé citou as denúncias de espionagem envolvendo a comunicação de
autoridades e cidadãos brasileiros, dentre eles a própria presidenta, a
Petrobras e o Ministério de Minas e Energia. Vim solicitar à presidenta
que elevasse sua liderança a um novo nível, de modo a assegurar que
todos possamos nos reunir em torno de um novo modelo de governança, em
que todos sejamos iguais, afirmou. O presidente da Icann disse que as
futuras decisões sobre como os líderes poderão gerir a internet devem
ter como base os princípios do marco civil brasileiro, que tramita no
Congresso Nacional.
Fadi Chehadé esteve anteontem (7) com o ministro das Comunicações, Paulo
Bernardo, a fim de pedir ajuda do Brasil para iniciar os debates sobre
mudanças na governança da internet, e disse que as articulações devem
começar este ano. Segundo ele, a necessidade de um novo órgão gestor da
internet passa pela participação de múltiplos atores, não só do governo.
Entendo que a internet tem um novo recurso, que exige participação
ativa por parte dos governos, dos seus respectivos órgãos no âmbito das
Nações Unidas, mas também no âmbito dos usuários, da sociedade civil,
dos técnicos, que afinal de contas fazem a internet funcionar, defendeu
Chehadé. Para o presidente da corporação, os acadêmicos e industriais
precisam participar do debate, pois refletem sobre o direito e fazem a
gestão da infraestrutura da internet.
O presidente da Icann disse que as empresas de telecomunicações devem
também participar da conferência. Elas são parte integrante da família
com a qual precisamos trabalhar, afirmou. Segundo Paulo Bernardo, a
presidenta Dilma concordou que as mudanças na governança da rede devem
ocorrer de forma multilateral e com a participação de todos os atores
que se envolvem a internet, e disse que não se pode permitir que
interesses econômicos, políticos e religiosos interfiram na livre
circulação das ideias. O ministro informou que a sugestão da presidenta
é que o evento ocorra em abril de 2014 no Rio de Janeiro.
fonte: Agência Brasil
Joana Varon Ferraz
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