[governance] Conclusion and Notice to nominees/ Was IGC Nomcom results and final report

Anriette Esterhuysen anriette at apc.org
Fri Nov 29 05:04:20 EST 2013

Thanks for update Sala, and thanks very much to Ian and the Noncom for
their work and commitment.


> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 2:09 AM, Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
> <salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com
> <mailto:salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Dear All,
>     Having landed yesterday and still recovering from some jet lag, I
>     am now attending to some urgent Caucus matters. Firstly, Happy
>     thanksgiving to all our American colleagues on this list and we
>     have much to be thankful for.
>     NomCom MAG candidates and volunteers
>     Many thanks for your willingness to participate and offer your
>     services. We remain grateful and thankful that you were willing to
>     put yourself out there. There will be many more opportunities in
>     the future. To those who were selected by the NomCom,
>     congratulations.  
>     Whilst we will put your names forward as IGC Nominees, I ask that
>     if and when you do get selected to the MAG to not forget
>     communicating with diverse civil society networks, keep them
>     updated and involved just as others who have gone before you have
>     been doing. Remember that as voices in the MAG you carry a
>     stewardship role of stewarding diverse civil society voices into
>     the MAG.
>     As you fill in your forms to send to the IGF Secretariat, please
>     use this contact address:
>     Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro 
>     Email: coordinators at igcaucus.org <mailto:coordinators at igcaucus.org>
>     Tel: +679 9982851
>     NomCom Results and Work
>     Special thanks to NomCom Non Voting Chair, Ian Peter and voting
>     members Deirdre Williams, Kerry Brown, Shaila Mistry, David Cake
>     and Jefsey Morfin for the absolutely stellar work in making the
>     selection, liaising with candidates for information and coming to
>     a conclusion. I officially acknowledge receipt of the list of
>     Nominees which will be sent to the IGF Secretariat before 1
>     December, 2013 via a letter from the IGC.
>     I can confirm that the coordinators did not interfere with the
>     selection process in anyway both on list and Offlist. Special
>     thanks to Norbert who ran the random selection process by which
>     the names for the NomCom were drawn.
>     Again, I echo the voices of those who have already commented on
>     Ian Peter's Report. Many thanks! Job superbly executed and the
>     community remains indebted.
>     Kind Regards,
>     Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
>     (co-coordinator)
>     Sent from my iPad
>     On Nov 27, 2013, at 10:20 PM, "Ian Peter" <ian.peter at ianpeter.com
>     <mailto:ian.peter at ianpeter.com>> wrote:
>>     I am pleased to report the following results from the Nomcom
>>     formed by Internet Governance Caucus to consider names for the
>>     IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG).
>>     Nnenna Nwakanma
>>     Bertrand de la Chappelle
>>     Stuart Hamilton
>>     Sonigitu Ekpe
>>     Matthew Shears
>>     Mawaki Chango
>>     The above recommended candidates are asked to provide information
>>     in support of their nominations by filling in the form at
>>     http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/2012/MAG%202014%20template%20.rtf.
>>     Copies should be sent urgently to the IGC co ordinators and given
>>     the tight timeframe you may also wish to send copies direct to
>>     the IGF Secretariat
>>     Anriette Esterhuysen
>>     William Drake
>>     Izumi Aizu
>>     Fatima Cambronero
>>     The members of the Nomcom, elected by the usual IGC random
>>     selection process from a pool of 25 volunteers, were
>>     Deirdre Williams
>>     Kerry Brown
>>     Shaila Mistry
>>     David Cake
>>     Jefsey Morfin
>>     Ian Peter was non-voting Chair.
>>     PROCESS
>>     Given the short time frame available, IGC Co-ordinators called
>>     for nominations on line prior to the Nomcom being formed. In
>>     order to encourage more nominations, the Nomcom announced it
>>     would continue to receive nominations until midnight UTC Thursday
>>     November 21.
>>     The following nominations were received within the advertised
>>     period (one nomination was less than an hour late and was
>>     accepted by the Nomcom) 
>>     Nnenna Nwakanma *
>>     Bertrand de la Chappelle*
>>     Stuart Hamilton*
>>     Sonigitu Ekpe*
>>     Matthew Shears*
>>     Mawaki Chango*
>>     Mishi Choudhary
>>     Asif Kabani
>>     Rudi Vansnick
>>     Imran Ahmed Shah
>>     Fouad Bajwa
>>     The Nomcom also emailed all existing civil society members of the
>>     MAG, asking whether they would like their names to be put forward
>>     for endorsement by the IGC Nomcom. Responses were received from
>>     (some before our emails)
>>     Anriette Esterhuysen *
>>     William Drake *
>>     Izumi Aizu  *
>>     Fatima Cambronero *
>>     Lillian Nalwoga
>>     In both categories, those with an asterisk after their name are
>>     our recommendations.
>>     PROCESS
>>     The Nomcom decided on a set of Selection Criteria after
>>     discussion, and advised these on the IGC list. The criteria are
>>     mentioned below. The Nomcom then weighted all criteria in
>>     importance ( giving a weighting between 1 and 10 to each
>>     criteria). The weightings are in brackets after the criteria
>>     below.  Candidates were then scored with a score between 1 and 10
>>     against each criteria.
>>     No weightings applied to gender and geographic balance, as this
>>     criteria was applied in arriving at a final slate after weighted
>>     average scores for candidates against other criteria were compiled)
>>     Note: the scores against criteria were intended as a guide to
>>     selection only, to bypass a lot of discussion in our very tight
>>     time frames. They did serve to make clear some candidates who
>>     were clearly favoured, some who were not, but did leave a group
>>     in the middle whose scores were close and whose credentials for
>>     inclusion were then compared further, particularly with
>>     intentions to achieve better geographic and gender balance.
>>     1. Regular contributor to civil society networks including the
>>     IGC (6)
>>     2. Consultative style with members of civil society networks
>>     including the IGC (8)
>>     3. Knowledge of/ previous experience with IGF, including remote
>>     participation (6.5)
>>     4. Knowledge of the UN system (5)
>>     5. Able to communicate the diverse range of issues, views and
>>     perspectives
>>     held by civil society.(8.5)
>>     6.Able to devote the time, resources and effort necessary to
>>     contribute constructively to MAG deliberations (9)
>>     7. Willing and able to report and update civil society networks
>>     including the IGC on issues and progress (8)
>>     8. Gender and geographic balance
>>     All Nomcom members provided scores against at least some of the
>>     candidates. 4 of 5 Nomcom members provided scores for all
>>     candidates, an exceptionally good result given the tight
>>     timeframes involved.
>>     Considering these scores, Nomcom members then decided on a final
>>     slate reflecting as best possible some natural differences of
>>     emphasis to come to a mutual recommendation. Several members
>>     expressed some disappointment that the range and communicated
>>     attributes of those nominated made achieving balance very
>>     difficult. In particular, more women as candidates and more
>>     candidates from regions we were not able to represent would have
>>     been very welcome. This may partially be a factor of the very
>>     limited timeframe under which we operated – however, it would
>>     have been even more limited had the co –coordinators not taken
>>     the initiative to call for candidates while the Nomcom was being
>>     formed.
>>     I must as non voting Chair thank the Nomcom members for their
>>     dedicated work, a not inconsiderable effort to decide on criteria
>>     and assess candidates in this limited timeframe. They really did
>>     good work on your behalf.
>>     Ian Peter
>>     Non voting chair
>>     ____________________________________________________________
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>>     To edit your profile and to find the IGC's charter, see:
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anriette esterhuysen anriette at apc.org
executive director, association for progressive communications
po box 29755, melville 2109
south africa
tel/fax +27 11 726 1692

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