[governance] IGC Nomcom results and final report
Ian Peter
ian.peter at ianpeter.com
Wed Nov 27 04:20:53 EST 2013
I am pleased to report the following results from the Nomcom formed by Internet Governance Caucus to consider names for the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG).
Nnenna Nwakanma
Bertrand de la Chappelle
Stuart Hamilton
Sonigitu Ekpe
Matthew Shears
Mawaki Chango
The above recommended candidates are asked to provide information in support of their nominations by filling in the form at http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/2012/MAG%202014%20template%20.rtf. Copies should be sent urgently to the IGC co ordinators and given the tight timeframe you may also wish to send copies direct to the IGF Secretariat
Anriette Esterhuysen
William Drake
Izumi Aizu
Fatima Cambronero
The members of the Nomcom, elected by the usual IGC random selection process from a pool of 25 volunteers, were
Deirdre Williams
Kerry Brown
Shaila Mistry
David Cake
Jefsey Morfin
Ian Peter was non-voting Chair.
Given the short time frame available, IGC Co-ordinators called for nominations on line prior to the Nomcom being formed. In order to encourage more nominations, the Nomcom announced it would continue to receive nominations until midnight UTC Thursday November 21.
The following nominations were received within the advertised period (one nomination was less than an hour late and was accepted by the Nomcom)
Nnenna Nwakanma *
Bertrand de la Chappelle*
Stuart Hamilton*
Sonigitu Ekpe*
Matthew Shears*
Mawaki Chango*
Mishi Choudhary
Asif Kabani
Rudi Vansnick
Imran Ahmed Shah
Fouad Bajwa
The Nomcom also emailed all existing civil society members of the MAG, asking whether they would like their names to be put forward for endorsement by the IGC Nomcom. Responses were received from (some before our emails)
Anriette Esterhuysen *
William Drake *
Izumi Aizu *
Fatima Cambronero *
Lillian Nalwoga
In both categories, those with an asterisk after their name are our recommendations.
The Nomcom decided on a set of Selection Criteria after discussion, and advised these on the IGC list. The criteria are mentioned below. The Nomcom then weighted all criteria in importance ( giving a weighting between 1 and 10 to each criteria). The weightings are in brackets after the criteria below. Candidates were then scored with a score between 1 and 10 against each criteria.
No weightings applied to gender and geographic balance, as this criteria was applied in arriving at a final slate after weighted average scores for candidates against other criteria were compiled)
Note: the scores against criteria were intended as a guide to selection only, to bypass a lot of discussion in our very tight time frames. They did serve to make clear some candidates who were clearly favoured, some who were not, but did leave a group in the middle whose scores were close and whose credentials for inclusion were then compared further, particularly with intentions to achieve better geographic and gender balance.
1. Regular contributor to civil society networks including the IGC (6)
2. Consultative style with members of civil society networks including the IGC (8)
3. Knowledge of/ previous experience with IGF, including remote participation (6.5)
4. Knowledge of the UN system (5)
5. Able to communicate the diverse range of issues, views and perspectives
held by civil society.(8.5)
6.Able to devote the time, resources and effort necessary to contribute constructively to MAG deliberations (9)
7. Willing and able to report and update civil society networks including the IGC on issues and progress (8)
8. Gender and geographic balance
All Nomcom members provided scores against at least some of the candidates. 4 of 5 Nomcom members provided scores for all candidates, an exceptionally good result given the tight timeframes involved.
Considering these scores, Nomcom members then decided on a final slate reflecting as best possible some natural differences of emphasis to come to a mutual recommendation. Several members expressed some disappointment that the range and communicated attributes of those nominated made achieving balance very difficult. In particular, more women as candidates and more candidates from regions we were not able to represent would have been very welcome. This may partially be a factor of the very limited timeframe under which we operated – however, it would have been even more limited had the co –coordinators not taken the initiative to call for candidates while the Nomcom was being formed.
I must as non voting Chair thank the Nomcom members for their dedicated work, a not inconsiderable effort to decide on criteria and assess candidates in this limited timeframe. They really did good work on your behalf.
Ian Peter
Non voting chair
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