[governance] URGENT: Request for input on civil society representatives for the "Panel on the Future of Global Internet Cooperation"

parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Wed Nov 27 00:57:08 EST 2013

We must remember that entering into a process of nominating people for 
membership of the HLL many amount to according a certain legitimacy to 
it.... Are we sure we give it that kind of legitimacy. One does not know 
at present who appointed the members of the HLL.... On what criteria, 
and so on... Would getting one member of CS that we nominate on the HLL 
really change much.... Would that not, to some extend, put a certain 
level of moral obligation on us vis a vis the final outcomes of the 
HLL... I am not ready to accept such an obligation.

One of the major issues behind the Brazil meeting is to decide thing 
about ICANN, its internationalisation/ oversight etc.... We should 
certainly listen to ICANN itself on this... There may also be some use 
to hear out an experts panel put up by the ICANN. But that is as far as 
it goes....

In the circumstances, we must be very cautious about what we are doing 
here.... If they have specifically asked us to suggest one CS person, we 
may offer one, but we must make it clear that we do not consider the HLL 
as any kind of genuine multistakeholder representative structure and so 

The HLL announcement already wrongly asserts this as a kind of 
multilateralists initiative, when it is not so.... It is a panel of 
experts chosen by ICANN.

Also As I write this, just now saw Bill's latest email on this issue - 
we are perhaps overplaying a casual remark of Fadi.... I dont really 
think that when we are not even sure they want us to nominate someone, 
and would accept the nomination, we should be getting too formal about it.

Remember, Fadi said in Bali that this HLL will actually be constituted 
on a bottom up way.... then they just went ahead and announced the 
names.... Are we happy with this process. I am not.


On Tuesday 26 November 2013 04:26 AM, Norbert Bollow wrote:
> Dear all,
> there is now an informal coordination group of some kind (tentatively
> called "steering committee", although I expect that that name will
> probably be changed) consisting of Anriette Esterhuysen for APC, Jeremy
> Malcolm for BestBits, Robin Gross for NCSG, Virginia Paque for DIPLO,
> myself for IGC, and Ian Peter as facilitator.
> The most urgent issue is to demand better civil society representation
> on the Panel on the Future of Global Internet Cooperation" organized by
> ICANN [1].
> [1]
> http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/high-level-panel-organizes-to-address-future-of-internet-governance-232274461.html
> The current idea is that we would jointly nominate two additional civil
> society people for this panel.
> The following names have been suggested so far:
> Anriette Esterhuysen, Eben Moglen, Milton Mueller, Sean O'Siochru,
> Valeria Betancourt, Vladimir Radunovik, William Drake.
> In view of the tight deadline, please provide any input that you wish to
> be considered ASAP, at the latest by 23.00 UTC tomorrow Tuesday which
> is about 24 hours from now.)
> Greetings,
> Norbert

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