[governance] URGENT: Request for input on civil society representatives for the "Panel on the Future of Global Internet Cooperation"
Mawaki Chango
kichango at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 16:59:24 EST 2013
Strange and confusing, indeed.
The last line of the PR Newswire pieces on this panel (as per the URL
forwarded initially) reads: "Additional members to be confirmed." And all
what we hear next is "hurry up and give your blessing to the list of names
that a handful number of us have _informally_ agreed on." One would have
hoped that IGC co-cos would provide some feedback of the kind Bill just
provided as well as the clarification he asked for. On the other hand, I
can't even count how many times now I have read something like "we will set
up a proper NomCom process" blah blah. It's not as if we've been busy doing
some productive substantive work in IGC. Informal and ad hoc, that's how we
roll these days across CS.
For the two names that have been asked for, I'd suggest:
1) Milton Mueller
2) Your choice
On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 9:10 PM, William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch> wrote:
> Hi
> When Fadi was told last weekend in BA that there had been expressions of
> discontent on various IG lists about the lack of CS representation, he said
> ok, send me a name from the community. I didn’t understand this as an
> ironclad commitment that they’d automatically appoint any name we provided,
> but rather as an invitation to suggest someone we think would be good (on a
> panel of CEOs and politicians). Now it’s been decided to demand that two
> people be empaneled, and a widening search for names is underway. Has
> anyone been in touch with Fadi or President Ilves to let them know what
> we’re doing and get their reaction? As the first meeting of the HLP is in
> two weeks, one imagines the planning is well underway, so it would be good
> for them to know what to expect, when….
> Best,
> Bill
> On Nov 26, 2013, at 6:59 PM, Norbert Bollow <nb at bollow.ch> wrote:
> Dear all
> Here's a quick update...
> So far, in addition the following have been suggested, some in public
> postings, some privately:
> Anju Mangal, Grace Githaiga, Judy Okite, Nnenna Nwakanma, Michael
> Gurstein, Thomas Lowenhaupt.
> I have written to each of them to enquire about their willingness to
> serve on this "Panel". So far, Grace Githaiga, Michael Gurstein,
> and Thomas Lowenhaupt have replied positively.
> Please note that the deadline for any additional suggestions is rather
> soon.
> In regard to the question that has been raised about process: This is
> right now an ad hoc process aimed at making --in a way that is
> coordinated across civil society networks as well as we can in a very
> tight timeframe-- a demand for increased civil society representation
> on the "Panel on the Future of Global Internet Cooperation"; this is
> not directly related to 1net nor to any of the various committees that
> will need to be formed in view of the Global Meeting in Brazil. I
> certainly hope that it will be possible to set up a proper NomCom
> process for those selection tasks, and that we'll find a way to do that
> in a way that is again coordinated across civil society networks.
> Greetings,
> Norbert
> Am Mon, 25 Nov 2013 23:56:57 +0100
> schrieb Norbert Bollow <nb at bollow.ch>:
> Dear all,
> there is now an informal coordination group of some kind (tentatively
> called "steering committee", although I expect that that name will
> probably be changed) consisting of Anriette Esterhuysen for APC,
> Jeremy Malcolm for BestBits, Robin Gross for NCSG, Virginia Paque for
> DIPLO, myself for IGC, and Ian Peter as facilitator.
> The most urgent issue is to demand better civil society representation
> on the Panel on the Future of Global Internet Cooperation" organized
> by ICANN [1].
> [1]
> http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/high-level-panel-organizes-to-address-future-of-internet-governance-232274461.html
> The current idea is that we would jointly nominate two additional
> civil society people for this panel.
> The following names have been suggested so far:
> Anriette Esterhuysen, Eben Moglen, Milton Mueller, Sean O'Siochru,
> Valeria Betancourt, Vladimir Radunovik, William Drake.
> In view of the tight deadline, please provide any input that you wish
> to be considered ASAP, at the latest by 23.00 UTC tomorrow Tuesday
> which is about 24 hours from now.)
> Greetings,
> Norbert
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> William J. Drake
> International Fellow & Lecturer
> Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ
> University of Zurich, Switzerland
> Chair, Noncommercial Users Constituency,
> ICANN, www.ncuc.org
> william.drake at uzh.ch (w), wjdrake at gmail.com (h),
> www.williamdrake.org
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