[governance] WSIS+10 Zero Draft
Suresh Ramasubramanian
suresh at hserus.net
Sat Nov 23 16:58:05 EST 2013
Fully agreed. Civil society worldwide that was engaged with government and industry during wsis needs to revisit old contacts and old discussions to refresh memories and come up with ways forward in the next ten years,
--srs (iPad)
> On 23-Nov-2013, at 23:22, Nick Ashton-Hart <nashton at consensus.pro> wrote:
> WSIS follow-up has been a top-down exercise, driven by the ITU wanting to be in charge of it. UN agencies shouldn’t be driving policy decisions - what we need is a bottom-up based process, where each country’s stakeholders decide how to implement WSIS in their way, and then compare notes under the CSTD processes, reviewing as we go along with the UN agencies just providing their input on their particular responsibilities.
> My hope is that a more bottom-up-based paradigm is what comes from the review.
> All the best from Kathmandu, Nick
>> On 19 Nov 2013, at 14:42, CAFEC <cafec3m at yahoo.fr> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Thank you very much for this vital information. Besides, I'm not so surprised. To me and this is only my opinion, most systems of the United Nations has failed their responsibility in implementing the WSIS implementation by broad national and sub regional levels. More especially in most African countries, as is the case in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in many countries of Central Africa.
>> It would be therefore that studies should be organized in this way to understand the real causes of this failure.
>> courriel:cafec3m at yahoo.fr/repronticrdc3m at yahoo.fr/b.schombe at gmail.com
>> téléphone: +243 998983491/+243813684512
>> Le Jeudi 14 novembre 2013 21h39, michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com> a écrit :
>> My own particular involvement with Internet Governance issues began with the intertwining of the community informatics approach and the various discussions associated with the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS-Geneva and Tunis)…
>> As is its habit, the UN is now revisiting the Summit + 10 and is in the process of creating various types of documentation including importantly a review document on what has happened with respect to the original WSIS outcomes and where, as a global Summit, agreements should be entered into (at a meeting to be held in late 2014) to go on from here.
>> I’m attaching the current draft output document (apologies for the highlighting…
>> One significant difference between now and the original summits is that while the significance of the Internet has increased dramatically in the interim in all shapes and forms, the specific interest in the creation of an overall policy framework for the global deployment of the Internet has, in key areas (including most of those of interest from a community informatics perspective—the digital divide, digital inclusion, community empowerment through ICT use and so on) for the most part disappeared and particularly virtually all financial support for independent/CSresearch and representation and even programming in these areas.(for an interesting blogpost looking at this in my own country Canada seehttp://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/11/14/digital-divide-canada-poor_n_4269171.html?utm_hp_ref=canada
>> What this means is that whereas the Civil Society intervention in the WSIS process was active and effective (including in support of a broad community informatics approach) there is virtually no counterpart developments in relation to this revisiting. (You will recall a flurry of notes etc. that I posted here on this subject at the beginning of this year.) I haven’t yet had a chance to go through these documents in detail but a quick review suggests that, as I tried to say in my comments at the WSIS +10 meeting in February, it is not enough simply to review what has gone on before and to project it into the future it is also necessary to recognize where there has been failure and where past successes have led to new and significant issues which in turn need to be addressed.http://gurstein.wordpress.com/2013/02/26/making-happytalk-in-paris-disneyland-and-the-wsis-10-review/
>> I’m not sure if anything much can be done on this at this stage but for those with an interest it is worth taking a look at these documents and for those with even more interest the overall process is described athttp://www.itu.int/wsis/review/mpp/
>> M
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