[governance] Brazil announcements

Izumi AIZU iza at anr.org
Mon Nov 18 20:30:46 EST 2013

Thanks Hartmut,

Here is the Google translation.

It will be on 23-24 April.


São Paulo will host international conference on Internet governance

   - [image: Print]<http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=ja&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=pt-BR&tl=en&u=http://www.mc.gov.br/telecomunicacoes/noticias-telecomunicacoes/28991-sao-paulo-vai-sediar-conferencia-internacional-sobre-governanca-na-internet%3Ftmpl%3Dcomponent%26print%3D1%26page%3D&usg=ALkJrhiLcyiWwrAZAxS3vkUybrs1e5MCEg>
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*Scheduled for 23 and April 24, the meeting will address topics such as
network security, espionage and cyber crimes*

*Brasilia, 11/18/2013* - Sao Paulo will host on 23 and 24 April 2014, an
international conference to discuss the new model of global governance of
the Internet. The Federal Government's proposal was announced on the
morning of Monday the Ministers of Communications, Paulo Bernardo, Science
and Technology Marco Antonio Raupp, and Foreign Affairs, Luiz Alberto

[image: Mesa MG 2635]*From left to right, Ministers of Communications,
Paulo Bernardo, Science and Technology Marco Antonio Raupp, and Foreign
Affairs, Luiz Alberto Figueiredo*

The idea for the meeting came from the speech of President Dilma Rousseff
at the opening of the UN General Assembly, prompted by revelations that the
U.S. government spied authorities and Brazilian companies.

According to Bernardo, the event will have a "nongovernmental nature" and
will require a call very wide. "Governments are invited to participate, but
will be mostly a multisectoral meeting also involving representatives of
civil society and the private sector," he said.

The Foreign Minister said that the aim of the meeting is to hold a broad
debate with all concerned sectors. "The idea is to build international
governance that can above all ensure individual freedom and protecting
human rights in order to use to the fullest the new media with the internet
as its centerpiece," he said.

Already the Minister of Science and Technology cited the Brazilian model
participatory and democratic governance of the internet's Internet Steering
Committee (CGI), created in 1995 and brings together 20 members. "This
proposal of São Paulo meeting came a beautiful experience that Brazil has
in the field of Internet governance. There are representatives from all
major sectors of society. The Decalogue which guides their actions is
already recognized worldwide. So Brazil has a leading position in this
sector, "he said.

The Minister Paulo Bernardo said that the proposed meeting is broader than
the project of Marco Civil Internet being discussed in Congress.According
to him, some assignments of Internet control should be maintained with the
third sector. "What we found is that governments should act where it is
necessary, as in cases of cyber crime, terrorism, espionage and pedophilia. Our
March calendar has principles that can be replicated, but does not deal
with international issues that still need to be addressed, "he added.

2013/11/19 Hartmut Richard Glaser <glaser at cgi.br>

> http://www.mc.gov.br/telecomunicacoes/noticias-telecomunicacoes/28991-sao-
> paulo-vai-sediar-conferencia-internacional-sobre-governanca-na-internet.
> =================================
> On 18/11/13 17:11, Adam Peake wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Could someone provide a link to any press release from the Brazil govt's
>> press conference this morning?
>> And interested to know if anyone can say what the Brazil govt wants from
>> the meeting?  I'm remembering from Bali govt reps being quite insistent
>> that the five principles President Rouseff presented to the UN general
>> assembly being essential.  Other issues?
>> Thanks,
>> Adam
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                     >> Izumi Aizu <<
Institute for InfoSocionomics, Tama University, Tokyo
Institute for HyperNetwork Society, Oita,
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