[governance] Re: UPDATE: MAG NomCom and MAG nominees (Call for names) URGENT 2 Days to Go

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Wed Nov 13 18:20:52 EST 2013

Deirdre Williams <williams.deirdre at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Norbert,
> #23 is Michael Gurstein not me??
> Deirdre

[with IGC coordinator hat on]

Hi Deidre

Yes, but the "23" was part of the UK national lottery results which
were used as part of the input data for the software that made the
selection among the 26 volunteers. (As announced in advance, this
selection has been carried out by means of the reference program
code "Publicly Verifiable Random Selection" from RFC 3797 [1], as
downloaded from [2]. The file pvrs-0.3.tgz has SHA-1 hash [3]

[1] http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3797.txt
[2] http://www.malcolm.id.au/files/software/unix/pvrs/pvrs-0.3.tgz
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-1

The output of the program did not include "23", but it included "20",
which is your number.

So, congratulations are due to you. :-)


> On 13 November 2013 18:29, Norbert Bollow <nb at bollow.ch> wrote:
> > Norbert Bollow <nb at bollow.ch> wrote, before the UK national lottery
> > draw took place:
> >
> > > In view of the short timeframe, I will use TODAY's UK national
> > > lottery draw as random seed. [..] (the six "ball numbers" and
> > > then, entered separately, the number of the "bonus ball"). Five
> > > voting NomCom members and then three reserves will be selected in
> > > this manner.
> >
> > [with IGC coordinator hat on]
> >
> > The six "ball numbers" of today's draw were 4 6 15 23 36 44 and the
> > "bonus ball" was 11, resulting in the following random selections:
> >
> > Selected as voting nomcom members:
> >
> > *  6. Kerry Brown
> > * 24. JFC Morfin
> > * 19. Shaila Rao Mistry
> > * 15. David Cake
> > * 20. Deirdre Williams
> >
> > Reserves:
> >
> > 1st reserve:  5. Jeremy Hunsinger
> > 2nd reserve:  9. Ginger Paque
> > 3rd reserve: 17. Chun Eung Hwi
> >
> > Again, thank you all for volunteering, and congratulations to the
> > winners of the lottery. :-)
> >
> > The next step is the appointment of the non-voting chair. According
> > to the IGC Charter, this is to be done by the coordinators "with the
> > advice of the IGC membership".
> >
> > In view of the situation with the tight timeline, Sala's and my
> > initial thoughts are to look for someone from the list of
> > volunteers (who was not randomly selected as voting member) with
> > nomcom experience, as those who have volunteered have already
> > expressed willingness to give up time which is not easy at this
> > time of the year with holidays and budget preparation deadlines etc.
> >
> > In any case, since the charter says "with the advice of the IGC
> > membership", there is a need to provide an opportunity for such
> > advice. However, in view of the tight timeline, we can assure that
> > such advice will be taken into account only if it received by
> > Thursday Nov 14 noon UTC. If you wish to provide advice, please try
> > to post your thoughts before that time.
> >
> > Greetings,
> > Norbert
> >
> > P.S. Again, the list of nomcom volunteers was:
> >
> > > > Volunteers for MAG NomCom [25 Volunteers needed]
> > > >
> > > >    1. Adam Peake
> > > >    2. Ian Peter
> > > >    3. Kossi Amessinou
> > > >    4. Angela Daly
> > > >    5. Jeremy Hunsinger
> > > >    6. Kerry Brown
> > > >    7. Chaitanya Dhareshwar
> > > >    8. Erick Iriarte Ahon
> > > >    9. Ginger Paque
> > > >    10. Jose F Callo Romero
> > > >    11. Suresh Ramasubramanium
> > > >    12. Badouin Schombe
> > > >    13. Robin Gross
> > > >    14. Tapani Tarvainen
> > > >    15. David Cake
> > > >    16. Jeremy Malcolm
> > > >    17. Chun Eung Hwi
> > > >    18. Antonio Medina Gomez
> > > >    19. Shaila Rao Mistry
> > > >    20. Deirdre Williams
> > > >    21. Devon Blake
> > > >    22. José Félix Arias Ynche
> > > >    23. Michael Gurstein
> > > >    24. JFC Morfin
> > > >    25. Mwendwa Kivuva
> > > >    26. Dave Kissoondoyal
> > >
> >
> >
> >
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> >

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