[governance] Re: UPDATE: MAG NomCom and MAG nominees (Call for names) URGENT 2 Days to Go
Norbert Bollow
nb at bollow.ch
Wed Nov 13 16:56:05 EST 2013
williams.deirdre at gmail.com wrote:
> Dear Norbert,
> I'm way down the coast looking for sugar mills in the bush but I seem
> to remember a previous problem about the nomcom chair (voting non
> voting???) Please can you check and reassure me as necessary?
> Thank you very much
> Deirdre
[with IGC coordinator hat on]
Hi Deirdre
The relevant quote from the Charter is as follows:
A non voting chair will be appointed by the coordinators for each
nomcom with the advice of the IGC membership. In order to serve as a
chair, it is recommended that a person has served in at least one
nomcom previously.
There has in the past been some discussion about whether this should
be interpreted as the coordinators appointing one of the five people
who are randomly selected, or as appointing a non-voting chair in
addition to the five voting members of the nomcom are which determined
by means of the random selection process, in addition to these five a
non-voting chair is appointed by the IGC coordinators.
There is some (IMO decisive) evidence in relevant historic documents
that the latter interpretation is correct; in any case that is the
interpretation that has been used in recent nomcom selections, and
we're using the same interpretation for the present nomcom selection.
Under this interpretation of the Charter, under normal circumstances,
an IGC nomcom consists of six people, namely five voting members plus
the non-voting chair.
We had a special situation in one of the recent nomcoms when the
non-voting chair resigned in the middle of the nomcom process, because
of a conflict of interest that he had not been able to foresee.
That situation was handled by one of the people who had been randomly
selected as a voting member agreeing to change status from voting
member to non-voting chair. But that was a special situation which I
sincerely hope will not repeat itself.
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