[governance] Fwd: I* Organizations 1net consultations on the future of Internet Governance
Fouad Bajwa
fouadbajwa at gmail.com
Tue Nov 12 06:22:32 EST 2013
>From elsewhere
The various I* Organizations have joined forces to work on a project
entitled 1net. The project is hosting a free and open online forum
about the future of Internet governance. The project has a dedicated
website online at http://www.1net.org/content/en, and has a Twitter
feed at https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=1netorg.
Fouad Bajwa
ICT4D and Internet Governance Advisor
My Blog: Internet's Governance: http://internetsgovernance.blogspot.com/
Follow my Tweets: http://twitter.com/fouadbajwa
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