[governance] Re: MAG NomCom and MAG nominees (Call for names) URGENT 7days deadline
jfcallo at ciencitec.com
jfcallo at ciencitec.com
Sun Nov 10 19:37:09 EST 2013
Greetings, please accept my postulation volunteered for the NomCom
Jose F. Callo Romero
Lima - Peru
Suresh Ramasubramanian <suresh at hserus.net> escribió:
> That is certainly an interesting, even eclectic choice of people :)
> I don't have enough of a travel budget to track igov events -
> whatever funding I get is for cybersecurity conferences. So that
> might actually rule me out straightaway.
> Thanks
> --srs (htc one x)
> On 10 November 2013 7:52:37 PM Chaitanya Dhareshwar
> <chaitanyabd at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Sala, please add me on the NomCom list!!
>> Further I would like to nominate Fouad, Parminder and Suresh for the MAG if
>> they would so accept.
>> Best regards,
>> *Chaitanya Dhareshwar*
>> Linkedin <http://in.linkedin.com/in/chaitanyabd> | Blog
>> <http://cbd.vcio.in> |
>> Skype: chaitanyabd
>> Mobile: +91.9820760253
>> On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro <
>> salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> Further to the call for volunteers for NomCom to select the MAG, here is
>>> an update:
>>> *Volunteers for MAG NomCom* [25 Volunteers needed]
>>> 1. Adame Peake
>>> 2. Ian Peter
>>> 3. x
>>> 4. x
>>> 5. x
>>> 6. x
>>> 7. x
>>> 8. x
>>> 9. x
>>> 10. x
>>> 11. x
>>> 12. x
>>> 13. x
>>> 14. x
>>> 15. x
>>> 16. x
>>> 17. x
>>> 18. x
>>> 19. x
>>> 20. x
>>> 21. x
>>> 22. x
>>> 23. x
>>> 24. x
>>> 25. x
>>> *Volunteers for MAG [as many as possible so the selection can be diverse
>>> and wide] Feel free to nominate people.*
>>> 1. x
>>> 2. x
>>> 3. x
>>> 4. x
>>> 5. x
>>> 6. x
>>> 7. x
>>> 8. x
>>> 9. x
>>> 10. x
>>> 11. x
>>> 12. x
>>> 13. x
>>> 14. x
>>> 15. x
>>> 16. x
>>> 17. x
>>> 18. x
>>> On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 12:25 PM, Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro <
>>> salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear All
>>>> Further to Izumi Aizu's message about generating names for the MAG by 1
>>>> December, 2013, this is an urgent call for both names of volunteers for
>>>> those who wish to be considered for the following:-
>>>> 1)NomCom to appoint MAG
>>>> 2)Those who wish to be considered for selection for the MAG
>>>> Please send in your expression of interest and clearly indicate it in the
>>>> Subject line
>>>> by stating either NomCom (MAG) or MAG Candidate
>>>> For those wishing to be apply as MAG candidates, please send a brief
>>>> about yourself, a link to your CV and describe involvement in existing,
>>>> current IGF foras. Also list your possible conflicts of interest and
>>>> declare any interests if any. Also describe why you think you will make a
>>>> good MAG member and what value you can bring to the MAG and also
>>>> to the IGC
>>>> and broader civil society. Describe principles and values you ascribe to.
>>>> This will help the NomCom in their selection process. Given the short time
>>>> we have, the call for names is open 7 days and will be closed immediately
>>>> after 7 days to give time to the NomCom to make their selection. This will
>>>> mean that the NomCom can start work on the 25th November, 2013.
>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>> Sala
>>>> izumi
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Chengetai Masango <cmasango at unog.ch>
>>>> Date: 2013/11/7
>>>> Subject: [IGFmaglist] MAG Renewal
>>>> To: MAG List IGF <Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org>
>>>> Dear All,
>>>> Under-Secretary-General Mr. Wu Hongbo of UNDESA has issued a statement
>>>> on the MAG renewal process
>>>> <http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/component/content/article/125-preparatory-process/1459-mag-renewal-2014>for
>>>> 2014.
>>>> The hard deadline for the submission of names is *1 December 2013*.
>>>> For organisations that submit groups of names on behalf of a stakeholder
>>>> group (or subdivision of a stakeholder group) some documentation stating
>>>> the selection process would be appreciated.
>>>> I would be grateful if you could publicise the announcement to your
>>>> respective stakeholder groups.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Chengetai
>>>> A separate NomCom mailing list will be created to faciltate the process.
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Chengetai Masango <cmasango at unog.ch>
>>>> Date: 2013/11/7
>>>> Subject: [IGFmaglist] MAG Renewal
>>>> To: MAG List IGF <Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org>
>>>> Dear All,
>>>> Under-Secretary-General Mr. Wu Hongbo of UNDESA has issued a statement
>>>> on the MAG renewal process
>>>> <http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/component/content/article/125-preparatory-process/1459-mag-renewal-2014>for
>>>> 2014.
>>>> The hard deadline for the submission of names is *1 December 2013*.
>>>> For organisations that submit groups of names on behalf of a stakeholder
>>>> group (or subdivision of a stakeholder group) some documentation stating
>>>> the selection process would be appreciated.
>>>> I would be grateful if you could publicise the announcement to your
>>>> respective stakeholder groups.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Chengetai
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