[governance] Re: [IRPCoalition] [bestbits] DISCLOSURE REQUEST Re: Funding Available for Strengthening Civil Society...

Tapani Tarvainen tapani.tarvainen at effi.org
Sun Nov 10 12:13:29 EST 2013

On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 09:12:03AM -0200, Carlos A. Afonso (ca at cafonso.ca) wrote:
> I do not see we need to complicate this too much. It is actually simple:
> we are all (I assume) part of or linked to civil society orgs. I think
> all of these have Web portals. Anyone who needs to check on these issues
> regarding any of the participants in these cauci would just visit the
> corresponding institutional portal.
> But no one is obliged to disclose certain infos -- one reason is of
> course the safety regarding a possibly adverse political environment
> where the organization legally resides. However, when we select
> coordinators for example, it would (again, my opinion) be relevant as
> part of the selection criteria to know about funding relationships.

That sounds eminently reasonable to me.

For myself, being in IRP steering committee, I can disclose that my
IGF trips have been supported by Jyväskylä university (where I work)
and Effi; in case of Bali I paid half of it myself (from my vacation
budget, as it were).

Tapani Tarvainen
Vice president, Electronic Frontier Finland (Effi)
email tapani.tarvainen at effi.org
tel. +358-40-7293479

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