[governance] Written contributions and inputs on the 2013 IGF preparations

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Fri May 3 20:30:04 EDT 2013

There's a Call for Contributions on the IGF website which says:

  Stakeholders are invited to send their written contributions and
  inputs on the 2013 IGF preparations, to igf at unog.ch .  The deadline
  for sending the contributions is 18 May 2013.

Are there some specific questions that civil society MAG members feel
that it would be valuable to have input on beyond what is already
contained in IGC's statement of earlier this year?


Recommendations for effective and contructive participation in IGC:
1. Respond to the content of assertions and arguments, not to the person
2. Be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept

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