[governance] who owns the new gTLDs?

Lee W McKnight lmcknigh at syr.edu
Mon Mar 4 17:28:25 EST 2013

If I may express a separate but related frustration....tying back to prior discussion on taxes, and tax havens.

 US companies that earn profits overseas often are reluctant to repatriate the profits to the US, instead leaving the $ parked offshore.

Most of the big US tech companies have such cash stockpiles; which is a tad frustrating to US entrepreneurs suggesting new opportunities to them.

So....it seems that some found a use for some of that cash, ie paying gtld filing fees. 

Playing the GTLD lottery beats paying taxes, I guess must be their CFO's thinking. Sigh.

From: governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org [governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org] on behalf of McTim [dogwallah at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 5:09 PM
To: governance at lists.igcaucus.org; Dominique Lacroix
Subject: Re: [governance] who owns the new gTLDs?

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 4:41 PM, Dominique Lacroix <dl at panamo.eu> wrote:
> Le 04/03/13 22:31, McTim a écrit :
> On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Dominique Lacroix <dl at panamo.eu> wrote:
> Dear Sala,
> Thanks Carlos for the mention. Yes, I distributed a paper leaflet to some
> friends in Paris, during the WSIS.
> The demonstration is clear.
> Two journal articles are going to be published. Please, just wait a few
> days.
> I asked the question about tax heavens to Fadi Chehadé in Paris, and to 3
> members of ICANN board/GNSO.
> Why would you have any reasonable expectation that ICANN would have
> anything to do with this issue?
> Absolutely right. ICANN has not anything to do with public interest.

ICANN has a very narrow remit.  Asking them to police where
corporations are housed is well out of scope.

> ICANN must have a fair, open and transparent application process for
> new TLDs.  They can't discriminate against folks who decide to
> incorporate in a specific location!!  Can you imagine the litigation
> if they did?
> Is anyone even surprised by these numbers?
> These numbers also demonstrate two failings of the TLDs program:
> - outreach,
> - developping countries.

Having lived in developing countries for nearly a decade, I can say
that folks there do run registrars and know that they can make money
registering domain names for their customers.

The business case for running a TLD registry is less clear to them
(and to me).  Would you risk 185k USD on the off chance you would win
the rights to sell registrations under a specific word?

I think that ICANN could have spent more time and money on outreach
and education around new TLDs, but I doubt that it would have
seriously boosted the number of folk from the developing world who
were willing to ante up to play in this particular poker game.


"A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A
route indicates how we get there."  Jon Postel

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