[governance] Update from today's MAG call
JFC Morfin
jefsey at jefsey.com
Wed Jul 31 12:15:57 EDT 2013
At 15:02 31/07/2013, Norbert Bollow wrote:
>So it seems clear that the IGF is not in direct danger of getting
>commercialized - that objectionable Indonesian fundraising strategy
>has simply been declared dead
Norbert, Anriette,
OpenStand does not mean commercialization but legitimate or
over-corporatization (that depends on the cooperation others bring or not).
- The point here is not logos/banners (this is already the on-line
case: http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/funding/86-donors).
- The point is about the ongoing research that is needed to further
the evolution of the Internet. IAB has expressed its concerns and
recommendations regarding this research and evolution. This is the
IAB "Research Funding Recommendations" RFC 3869.
IAB RFC 3869 states: "The principal thesis of this document is that
if commercial funding is the main source of funding for future
Internet research, the future of the Internet [] could be in
trouble. In addition to issues about which projects are funded, the
funding source can also affect the content of the research, for
example, towards or against the development of open standards, or
taking varying degrees of care about the effect of the developed
protocols on the other traffic on the Internet."
IAB RFC 3869 also states: "The IAB believes that it would be helpful
for governments and other non-commercial sponsors to increase their
funding of both basic research and applied research relating to the
Internet, and to sustain these funding levels going forward."
2005 WSIS Tunis Agenda has mandated the IGF to be principally a
discussion forum to facilitate a multilogue among stakeholders and
"identify emerging issues, bring them to the attention of the
relevant bodies and the general public, and, where appropriate, make
recommendations". Reasonnable corporate influence, pressure and
lobbying is legitimate. What is a fault is the lack of governments
(and their international organizations) funding and civil-society non
commercial voluntary work coordination.
There is no fault with the corporations RFC 6852 is complementary
to RFC 3869 (but it does not explain how, what RFC 2870 [IAB Charter]
calls for). There is a need for Governments to understand their
digital obligations and for us to efficiently protect our digital
rights. I have no problem with a plan, but I cannot deploy it alone.
Several times we have started it but then we shot it down ourselves.
Several times we also achieved some precautionary successes.
I hope that we succeed this time. It is only a question of
complementarity and determination within the bootstrap secretariat.
Not of T&L expenses.
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