[governance] IGF Cancelled

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Sat Jul 27 14:14:09 EDT 2013

Parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:

> All of them opposed UN funding for the IGF

Is there anyone who in view of the current debacle is still opposed to
UN funding for the IGF?

> but can they explain why they opposed 'committed' funding from ICANN 
> collected Internet taxes, say of 2 million every year... Isn't that
> the right model of funding the IGF , keeping if safe from staist as
> well corporate controls....

I am not sure that ICANN's collection of domain name taxes is the right
funding model for anything (it presupposes that domain names are sold
for a price which makes them quite unaffordable to a very significant
number of poor people) but as long as ICANN's funding model remains as
it currently is, in view of ICANN's financials [1], funding at least a
significant part of the cost of IGF meetings from ICANN's budget
indeed makes a lot of sense.
[1] http://www.icann.org/en/about/financials


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