[governance] NSA penetrates Brazilian telecom

Daniel Kalchev daniel at digsys.bg
Mon Jul 8 04:44:27 EDT 2013

On 07.07.13 15:08, parminder wrote:
> From the below news item;
>     "As those two articles detail, all of this bulk, indiscriminate
>     surveillance aimed at populations of friendly foreign nations is
>     part of the NSA's "FAIRVIEW" program. Under that program, the
>     /*NSA partners with a large US telecommunications company, the
>     identity of which is currently unknown, and that US company then
>     partners with telecoms in the foreign countries (emphasis added).
>     */Those partnerships allow the US company access to those
>     countries' telecommunications systems, and that access is then
>     exploited to direct traffic to the NSA's repositories."
> There are basically two large US telecoms AT&T and Verizon... Any such 
> public private partnership for global snooping is very worrisome.

The morale: never trust any telecom.

They are forced to cooperate, or their monopoly licenses are at risk. So 
much about free market. Most of those will happily do it "for free".
Might be, time for the ITU to dissolve, or just transform into 
interoperability standards making body.... wishful thinking, this. No 
government (read: secret services bureau) will ever let this happen.

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