[governance] Suggested amendment for the charter. Voting. Needs signatories

Baudouin Schombe baudouin.schombe at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 10:20:32 EST 2013

very good proposal + 1

2013/1/9 Avri Doria <avri at acm.org>

> Amendments to the Charter
> This charter can be amended at any time as proposed by no fewer than ten
> (10) members and as approved by no less than two-thirds (2/3) of the
> members of the IGC. The membership requirements for amending the charter
> are based on the most currently available voters list. In amending the
> charter, everyone who voted in the previous election will be deemed a
> member for amending the charter.
> ----------
> Currently the charter <http://igcaucus.org/charter>  reads as:
> "
> As part of the voting process the voter must personally ascertain that
> they are a member of the IGC based on membership criteria described
> elsewhere in this charter and posted as part of the voting information
> (i.e. a voter must affirm membership on the voter form in order to vote).
> The decision to self-identify as a member of the IGC is a personal decision
> based on the criteria defined. A list of the self-defined member-voters
> will be published after the election with the results of the election.
> "
> Changes proposed:
> 1. Indicate that the affirmation is prior to the vote and not part of the
> vote.
> 2. require that all ballot include the ability to abstain.
> "
> Prior to voting the prospective voter must personally ascertain that they
> are a member of the IGC based on membership criteria described elsewhere in
> this charter and posted as part of the voting information (i.e. a voter
> must affirm membership on the voter form prior to voting). The decision to
> self-identify as a member of the IGC is a personal decision based on the
> criteria defined. A list of the self-defined member-voters will be
> published after the election with the results of the election.
> All ballots will include the ability for voters to abstain on any choice
> included on the ballot.
> "
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At-Large Member
NCSG Member

email:baudouin.schombe at gmail.com
         Baudouin.Schombe at ticafrica.net
wite web:http://webmail.ticafrica.net
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