[governance] FW: [IP] Google's Lawyers Work Behind the Scenes : FOR THE RECORD!

Ivar A. M. Hartmann ivarhartmann at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 08:28:02 EST 2013

The fact that one list member uses provocative words does not make it
impossible for the addressee to do anything other than retort with more
provocation. For one, provocative language isn't in itself a personal
attack. And if it were indeed a case of personal attack, I believe most
list members would call for action by the moderators rather than respond
with inappropriate posts.

I trust Sala is responsibly fulfilling her duties in the background,
contacting list members directly and warning both provocateurs and the
provoked who have gone over the line. Nevertheless, in order to relieve her
of the burden of being the sole responsible for a member ban, I support
your call for an appeal, McTim.


On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 11:18 AM, McTim <dogwallah at gmail.com> wrote:

> The pattern is that one person uses provocative words.
> People react to those words in like manner.
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