[governance] Re: Preparar los puntos de vista
Deirdre Williams
williams.deirdre at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 11:01:46 EST 2013
Dear Jose Felix,
I should have answered you before but Ginger did it for me - "we" as a
group are responsible.
Considering your latest message - presenting the ideas of a group of
people, especially a group as diverse as this one, is always unfortunately
somewhat difficult. So I think that if we have ideas towards a consensus
opinion then we should give them to Norbert.
However since there is the possibility of remote participation - and I
imagine that with UNESCO we can rely on the availability of interpretation
as well??? - then as many of us as possible should attempt to be there,
physically or virtually.
Which takes me to your second sentence with which I agree completely.
Speaking for myself I am very happy to hear a different language on the
list, even though my Spanish is not very good. It will be a major challenge
for me if this phenomenon extends to the languages of Asia and Africa, and
the native languages of other countries, but I still believe strongly that
this is a goal we should aim for.
Recently the list has been discussing a definition for "civil society", but
the criterion "must read and write English" has, thankfully, not been
raised :-)
Best wishes
Querido Jose Felix,
Debería haberte respondido antes, pero Ginger lo hizo por mí - "nosotros"
como grupo son responsables.
Teniendo en cuenta su reciente mensaje - la presentación de las ideas de un
grupo de personas, especialmente un grupo tan diverso como éste, siempre es
por desgracia un poco difícil. Así que creo que si tenemos ideas hacia un
consenso de opinión, deberíamos darles a Norbert.
Sin embargo, dado que existe la posibilidad de participación a distancia -
y me imagino que con la UNESCO que podemos confiar en la disponibilidad de
interpretación también??? - A continuación, ya que muchos de nosotros como
sea posible debe tratar de estar allí, físicamente o virtualmente.
Lo cual me lleva a la segunda frase con la que estoy completamente de
acuerdo. Por mi parte estoy muy feliz de escuchar un idioma diferente en la
lista, aunque mi español no es muy bueno. Será un gran desafío para mí si
este fenómeno se extiende a las lenguas de Asia y África, y las lenguas
nativas de otros países, pero todavía creo firmemente que este es un
objetivo que debemos aspirar.
Recientemente, la lista ha estado discutiendo una definición de "sociedad
civil", pero el criterio "debe leer y escribir en Inglés" tiene, por
suerte, no se ha planteado :-)
¡Mis mejores deseos
Deirdre (with help from Google - I'm not happy with "por desgracia")
On 20 February 2013 11:12, José Félix Arias Ynche <jaryn56 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Creo que usted, esta bien capacitado para formular o preparar los puntos
> de vista de la CIG, Si en el caso no se presentara por parte de los
> miembros algún punto de vista.
> Un punto para mi es el de ampliar la participación de los países de habla
> hispana en la CIG, pues su participación es casi nula, y con ello no se
> puede tener un consenso a nivel mundial. Salvo otro parecer
> *Cordialmente: José Félix Arias Ynche*
> * Investigador Social Para El Desarrollo*
> 2013/2/20 Norbert Bollow <nb at bollow.ch>
>> [with IGC coordinator hat on]
>> Dear all
>> In regard to the upcoming Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Open
>> Consultation on Feb 28 in Paris:
>> I will be there and available to represent the IGC. However I will be
>> able to this only effectively to the extent that I get informed in
>> advance about the viewpoints that we have in the Caucus.
>> Of course, for the points on which we have reached consensus during
>> preparation of our written contribution, that consensus will also guide
>> me in everything that I will say on those points.
>> But there may be a need to react to proposals of other stakeholder
>> groups, etc, and hence there is IMO a need for additional preparation.
>> As far as I can see, the planned synthesis is not available yet.
>> However all the written contributions from various stakeholder
>> organizations are available at
>> http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/contributionsigf .
>> Please post any comments you may have, that might be useful for me as
>> guidance on Feb 28, here on the list.
>> The draft agenda for the Feb 28 consultation is here:
>> http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/2013/February%20Consultation/February-%20Draft%20Agenda.docx
>> Greetings,
>> Norbert
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