[governance] Re. participate in poll to amend the IGC charter
Norbert Bollow
nb at bollow.ch
Sun Feb 3 03:00:32 EST 2013
[IGC Coordinator hat on]
Hello Imran,
those two changes are part of a single proposed amendment; at the
current stage there is no way to agree with only one of them.
Am Sat, 2 Feb 2013 23:30:45 -0800 (PST)
schrieb Imran Ahmed Shah <ias_pk at yahoo.com>:
> Would you please
> inform me the method in which some one can choose single item from a
> proposed amendments.
> for example in case of amendment #1, there are two changes are
> proposed:
> Changes proposed:
> 1. Indicate that the affirmation is prior to the vote and not part of
> the vote. 2. require that all ballot include the ability to abstain.
> How I can choose to vote for any one option if I am not feeling
> comfortable to select the both?
> Please help me to understand and to cast my vote.
> Thanks
> Imran Ahmed Shah
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