[governance] Minister Sibal on igov during the DSCI keynote in New Delhi
Suresh Ramasubramanian
suresh at hserus.net
Tue Dec 10 23:52:04 EST 2013
This speech does seem to go completely contrary to the MHA / security note pushing multilateralism, and does seem to ignore the long dead CIRP, may its zombie never rise again
--srs (iPad)
> On 11-Dec-2013, at 10:19, Suresh Ramasubramanian <suresh at hserus.net> wrote:
> "We cannot function on the Internet under a cloak of secrecy. Important to handle privacy and data protection, but must strike a balance when fighting cybercrime."
> Need a global set of rules and accord, need a system of cyber justice and accountability at all levels.
> We know for a fact that nations actively engaged on cyberwar and use non state actors, out of country resources
> Freedom and lawlessness are two sides of the same coin, sense of responsibility in freedom makes it its own enemy in the absence of accountability
> Voices of the voiceless to be heard. The world / Internet should not ultimately self destruct, for is to decide how to take the world forward and ensure we don't destroy ourselves. If we lose the opportunity the world will be a much worse place.
> Brilliant speech, this.
> --srs (iPad)
>> On 11-Dec-2013, at 10:10, Suresh Ramasubramanian <suresh at hserus.net> wrote:
>> Talks of multistakeholder representation, the stake of governments in an "equinet" where all stakeholders have an equitable stake. Governments have and should claim a legitimate stake in the Internet and should not exclude from participation but should engage with all stakeholders
>> The strategic imperatives of critical infra connected to the Internet
>> The risks of Balkanization
>> Complex issue that the global community has yet to grasp, everybody interested in their own space and turf so these are likely to go the way of climate change talks, we need to consolidate and optimize this space, integrate with the global community .. Without that global espionage, cybercrime etc will increase.
>> No nation can fight cybercrime on its own, need global cooperation and exchange of data. There is still yet a lack of cooperation between certs (???)
>> The need to build capacity on the Internet in India and build a pool of trained technologists
>> India now an authorizing member of common criteria recognition .. Will set up labs of intl standard to test IT gear in India .. This is not protectionism, want to drive investment, manufacturing and testing labs in India.
>> http://24framesdigital.com/dsci/webcast/aiss2013/ live webcast
>> --srs (iPad)
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