[governance] ICANN stumbling on a hornet nest

Chaitanya Dhareshwar chaitanyabd at gmail.com
Sun Sep 2 07:42:45 EDT 2012

I agree with you on this Riaz.

In fact if I am to think from my point of view (a quite limited one) - I
don't really see any of these TLDs making any sort of impact to me or
people in similar positions/situations. For example the ".travel" extension
recently was quite a big thing for us (travel industry) but I dont see any
such thing happening with ".rugby" or ".health" or any of them. We already
have a ".travel" that has our company name on it, so we wouldnt even dream
of investing in something bigger (say ".banyan" given that's my current
company's name) - it just doesnt make sense for us.

So what reason would I (or any technology person in the same
situation) have to participate? (just illustrating the mindset)


On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Riaz K Tayob <riaz.tayob at gmail.com> wrote:

> The facts certainly do bear out such an interpretation.
> On the other hand, these facts may speak to the point that, there may be
> huge barriers to entry ranging from:
> 1. "Stakeholders" may not know they do not know (about how to influence
> the system - a huge comparative advantage to the US who has specialists
> linked to the praxis).
> 2. Cost and familiarity with processes, players and importantly prospects
> of success.
> 3. Perversity, jeopardy and futility of engagement - linked to prospects
> of success on initiating a "claim"/policy cahnge/intervention.
> 4. Lack of legitimacy renders every rejected proposal/complaint (yes this
> sounds extreme I know) dubious, notwithstanding the exceptions of
> complaints heard.
> 5. How decisions are made contextualised in its institutional context
> matters. Corn cannot expect justice from a court of chickens (African
> proverb) or in South Africa. Or analogously as some poet critics said about
> White art in South Africa, we see the bit, the stirrup, the lead and the
> saddle, but where is the horse (paraphrased...)
> Perhaps it is not just Parminder, although he seems singled out more than
> others, for posing conjecture/opinion (however well justified and
> reflecting kaleidescopic reality) as fact.
> Riaz
> On 2012/09/02 09:27 AM, Roland Perry wrote:
>> In message <CA+EjHYq9hzKi5YTgHxBkr0a-**cMosEQfK-HQgsYANJHHR0gnXOQ@**
>> mail.gmail.com<CA%2BEjHYq9hzKi5YTgHxBkr0a-cMosEQfK-HQgsYANJHHR0gnXOQ at mail.gmail.com>>,
>> at 19:40:14 on Sat, 1 Sep 2012, "Louis Pouzin (well)" <pouzin at well.com>
>> writes
>>> Today, more than 6600 complaints for 1931 gTLD applications
>> Actually, an average of less than four complaints per application seems
>> extraordinarily low to me.
>> If you regard the comments as an online petition, then typically you'd
>> expect it to require a few tens of thousands of people with a common view
>> (about each complained-of application) to be persuasive, after all there's
>> a worldwide audience for this process.
>> What's different about the ICANN system is that a lone voice can make a
>> complaint which will be heard.
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