[governance] RV: [IP] re ITU gone wild -- an invited (by me) note from Tony Rutkowski (comments welcomed :-) )
michael gurstein
gurstein at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 04:56:53 EST 2012
This might be of interest in this context as well.
Desde: DAVID J. FARBER [farber at gmail.com] Enviado el: sábado, 24 de
noviembre de 2012 08:52
Hasta: ip
Asunto: [IP] re ITU gone wild -- an invited (by me) note from Tony
Rutkowski (comments welcomed :-) )
Begin forwarded message:
From: Dave Crocker <dhc2 at dcrocker.net>
Subject: Re: [IP] ITU gone wild -- an invited (by me) note from Tony
Rutkowski (comments welcomed :-) )
Date: November 23, 2012 11:00:39 AM EST
To: dave at farber.net
Cc: ip <ip at listbox.com>, Tony Rutkowski <trutkowski at netmagic.com>, Dan Lynch
<dan at lynch.com>, "John Day" <jeanjour at comcast.net>, "Karl Auerbach"
<karl at cavebear.com>, "David Allen" <David_Allen_AB63 at post.harvard.edu>,
"Richard Bennett" <richard at bennett.com>, "Bob Frankston"
<Bob19-0501 at bobf.frankston.com>
Reply-To: dcrocker at bbiw.net
I am shocked, simply shocked, to hear that politics dominate an SDO.
Oh wait. No I'm not.
We've been hearing the same slams at the ITU for 20 years.
The issue isn't whether the slams are true, but whether they are helpful. I
suggest that the answer it worse than no; they are counter-productive,
particularly in the form that has dominated this thread.
Whether one supports the ITU or views it as a foe, it's presence is a
reality. Dealing with the ITU requires negotiating with and within it as a
political process based on thoughtful choice, not inflammatory rhetoric.
The first IETF/ITU agreement was the one we arranged for the fax-over-email
standards effort in the late 90s. It nearly went extremely sour, and only
became productive when we formulated a meaningful division of roles. In
that case, vendors forced adherence to the agreement and a productive
Today's rhetoric is counter-productive by simultaneously making the speakers
-- and thereby the community they come from -- look immature (or worse) and
distracting us from the thoughtful consideration needed to make intelligence
This topic is important enough to warrant adult discussion, not childish
Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking
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