[governance] <Draft> IGC Statement for CSTD Meeting on Enhanced Cooperation
Izumi AIZU
iza at anr.org
Sat May 19 03:57:04 EDT 2012
Dear list,
Though I wrote below "CS IGC Statement" and I introduced myself as one of the
co-coordinators of the CS IGC, I did not explicitly said "Here is the
IGC statement"
if I remember correctly. There might be the transcript archive to check, but I
don't know if that is available. I did not say "I speak only for myself".
I am sure people in the room did think I was representing the IGC.
So, if I gave you the wrong impression that it was an IGC Statement with
full consensus of the list, it was not. I thought that was clear from
my presentation
and also texts I read, but I like to clarify that here again.
Thank you, and I will leave Geneve in two hours time.
2012/5/19 Izumi AIZU <iza at anr.org>:
> All,
> Izumi Aizu
> This is close to what I read just 10 min ago:
> [Chair intervened in the middle of my talk, go to EC, but I responded back that
> that is about EC]
> IGC Statement for CSTED Meeting on Enhanced Cooperation
> Thank you Chair person for finally giving the floor. I say “Finally”.
> My name is Izumi Aizu living in Tokyo and also in global cyberspace at
> the same time like many of you.
> I am one of the two co-coordinators of the Civil Society Internet
> Governance Caucus which was established during the first phase of WSIS
> in 2003 as part of all CS families, and is remaining engaged in
> Internet Governance related activities such as IGF, CSTD WG on IGF
> improvements and this meeting.
> We are encouraged to see the evidence of constructive dialogue around
> EC here. However, we are also very disappointed today to see that
> priority was given to governments and all non-governmental
> stakeholders, civil society one of them, were put on hold, or in the
> second class until this late afternoon. This is neither on equal
> footing or respecting the roles. We will not accept this working
> modality if that is the next step on EC since it is not really MSH at
> all.
> We are proud that the Civil Society on the planet today is as diverse
> as the mankind. We have quite a few active members from the South, -
> three civil society speakers this morning, Anriette, Parminder and
> Marilia are all active member of our caucus, and they are all from the
> south. We have also many members from the north, North as well as from
> the East and the West as well as gender and other diversities.
> When it comes to specifics, our diversity is often reflected in our
> different views, as was shown from our three excellent speakers this
> morning. We share the similar challenges to governments and other
> stakeholders.
> But now our “bottom-line” is,
> - keep the principles endorsed by the Tunis Agenda, especially, to
> hold to the principles – that means -
> Many CS members support the principle of OPEN, Multi-stakeholder
> global governance and the need for IG forums where all stakeholders
> are equally, and effectively represented not only in its
> participation, but also to the decision making or consensus building
> Some WG proposals we heard today seems to have broad support among CS,
> yet there are different opinions in its functions, anchorage, and
> operational modality. I think devils are in the details.
> We hope to see the further productive dialogue, one way or other in a
> truly open forum allowing all stakeholders to reach consensus on equal
> footing of this difficult challenge of Enhanced Cooperation.
> Thank you.
>> Izumi Aizu <<
Institute for InfoSocionomics, Tama University, Tokyo
Institute for HyperNetwork Society, Oita,
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