[governance] IGF Open Consultation memo, Morning, May 15

Roland Perry roland at internetpolicyagency.com
Tue May 15 12:21:50 EDT 2012

In message 
<CAMz5XN60r6OcqUhSAGF4YqtDees1iMp0gdg7_FvBDuARdV8BxA at mail.gmail.com>, at 
11:54:46 on Tue, 15 May 2012, Deirdre Williams 
<williams.deirdre at gmail.com> writes
>Good idea. Perhaps press for a "pre" civil society meeting? :-)

I assume these exist already. Like ICANN meetings, everyone seems to 
gather in their own clans the day before.

>On 15 May 2012 10:19, Roland Perry <roland at internetpolicyagency.com> 
>In message <4FB26125.4030102 at cafonso.ca>, at 10:59:01 on Tue, 15 May 
>2012, Carlos A. Afonso <ca at cafonso.ca> writes
>Hi Izumi & all, interesting to know how the proposed (decided?)
>ministerial meeting was questioned on the grounds of the purpose of the
>IGF as a MSH initiative.
>Does that mean that Civil Society, Internet Technical Community etc 
>can't have pre-meets either? Do such pre-meets have to allow observers 
>from the other stakeholders

Roland Perry

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