[governance] May 14 meeting in Geneva?
Izumi AIZU
aizu at anr.org
Tue May 1 02:03:55 EDT 2012
Sorry to miss you, Graciela, but this is only one meeting out of many there.
2012/5/1 Graciela Selaimen <graciela at nupef.org.br>:
> Dear all,
> Unfortunately, due to previously scheduled commitments, I won't be able to
> be in Geneve for the MAG meeting.
> best regards,
> Graciela Selaimen
> Instituto Nupef
> Em 4/30/12 4:28 PM, Katitza Rodriguez escreveu:
>> I'll there from Saturday 12 until Friday 18.
>> On 4/30/12 3:25 PM, Avri Doria wrote:
>>> i will be there and all things equal will attend the meeting.
>>> avri
>>> On 26 Apr 2012, at 20:30, Izumi AIZU wrote:
>>>> I wonder how many from us are coming to Geneva for WSIS week and also
>>>> IGF
>>>> MAG open consultation and also the Enhanced Cooperation workshop
>>>> on May 18.
>>>> I like to propose a meeting in the afternoon on May 14, to prepare
>>>> for the MAG meeting
>>>> Could you please indicate here if you are coming to Geneva that time,
>>>> when to arrive and also if able to attend this prep meeting on May 14,
>>>> Monday.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> izumi
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> --
> Graciela Selaimen
> Instituto Nupef
> www.nupef.org.br
> www.politics.org.br
> www.rets.org.br
> www.tiwa.org.br
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>> Izumi Aizu <<
Institute for InfoSocionomics, Tama University, Tokyo
Institute for HyperNetwork Society, Oita,
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<< Writing the Future of the History >>
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