[governance] U.N. takeover of the Internet must be stopped, U.S. warns
Marilia Maciel
mariliamaciel at gmail.com
Thu May 31 22:56:12 EDT 2012
Regardless of the clear problems that underlay ITU process, it is always
amazing how this issue always comes down to good govs X bad govs, with the
US government playing the benevolent hero and the protector of liberties.
Their own regulatory initiatives, ACTA, SOPA, PIPA say otherwise...
Moreover, if dialogue is to be established, it is important to recognize
the obvious: a) there is no way to justify US privilege position with
ICANN. That needs to be changed; b) there are global issues being discussed
by small groups of actors. That needs to be changed.
By admitting that we would be clearing the ground for a possible dialogue.
How can we improve governance without disturbing the functioning of the
Internet and how we can include actors that need to be included,
governments and other stakeholders?
On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:25 PM, michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com>wrote:
> U.N. takeover of the Internet must be stopped, U.S. warns
> A U.N. summit later this year in Dubai could lead to a new international
> regime of censorship, taxes, and surveillance, warn Democrats, Republicans,
> the Internet Society, and father of the Internet Vint Cerf.
> http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-57444629-83/u.n-takeover-of-the-internet-mu
> st-be-stopped-u.s-warns/?tag=nl.e703
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