[governance] NTIA says ICANN "does not meet the requirements"for IANA renewal

Avri Doria avri at ella.com
Sun Mar 11 11:35:32 EDT 2012

Oops. I meant AOC.

ICANN already takes the ioc seriously too seriously.

Damn auto correct.

Avri Doria <avri at acm.org> wrote:

>I think that once ICANN begins to take its obligations under the IOC
>seriously they will find that become ever more free "floating". And
>while there has been some motion in that direction, there is a long
>long way to go.
>As for the IANA contact, it does seem like they thought they were above
>taking the requirements of the tender seriously - sort of ironic when
>you look at how strictly they are marshaling the new gTLD applications.
>So they get to try again, and without having to forfeit their 185 kUSD
>application fee and waiting an undetermined amount of time.  Maybe they
>will take it seriously this time. It could happen. And who knows, now
>that the world knows that ICANN its not a default winner, others may
>have the timerity to apply.
>And as a bonus the new CEO gets to lead the effort.
>All in all I think it is a great result.
>McTim <dogwallah at gmail.com> wrote:
>>On 3/11/12, Carlos A. Afonso <ca at cafonso.ca> wrote:
>>> McTim, most of us do not "reject the idea that a fully
>>> internationalised, representative ICANN Board can fulfil this
>>> function". But with yet another blunt demonstration that the USG has
>>> helm and will not let go,
>>That's right, they don't appear to be able to let go, even if it is
>>probably the most enlightened US administration one is likely to get
>>in terms of Internet-y matters.  I think the "ICANN floating free"
>>idea is probably the most palatable one for them, and as a matter of
>>real- politick, one we could push for!
>>"A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A
>>route indicates how we get there."  Jon Postel

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