[governance] [liberationtech] Chinese preparing for a "Autonomous Internet" ?
ca at cafonso.ca
Mon Jun 25 17:30:24 EDT 2012
The "IANA process" goes through NTIA, David. NTIA=USG. What is your role in Icann, BTW?
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On 25/06/2012, at 21:23, David Conrad <drc at virtualized.org> wrote:
> Parminder,
> On Jun 25, 2012, at 1:16 AM, parminder wrote:
>> In the circumstances, David, I dont know how you , and others, have been insisting that such kind of a thing has never ever happened, and therefore we need no protection against.
> In this context, the "thing" we (or at least I) have been discussing is whether or not the US government has exceeded its oversight role with respect to root zone management. In the .IQ case, the redelegation request never even got to the US government -- it was held up in the (documented) IANA process prior to a request for authorization.
> Or are you suggesting that the oversight body should intercede to violate documented consensus policies and processes? On what grounds?
>> This is the worst possible transgression, and abuse, of the oversight authority by the US.
> Sorry, I don't follow. How could this possibly be a transgression/abuse of oversight authority if the request never got to the point in which oversight would be applied?
>> What greater damning example do you need.
> Well, an actual example in which the US government exceeded its oversight role with respect to root management might help.
> Regards,
> -drc
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