[governance] ITU - summary of draft ITRs to date
Milton L Mueller
mueller at syr.edu
Thu Jun 7 10:42:13 EDT 2012
> -----Original Message-----
> You only have to recall the recent controversy about what "Enhanced
> Cooperation" means, to realise that the words are quite important, and
> need to send a clear message to people ten years+ in the future about
> what it was they intended to say.
I draw the opposite conclusion; the verbal formulations in the Tunis Agenda, like the ITRs, actually have very little control over what really happens. The words you get in things like the ITRs and TA are the words that a bunch of politicians and government staff can agree on at the time, which may or may not be meaningful and effective.
7 years after we all agreed to engage in "enhanced cooperation" we have no consensus on what the term means, or whether it is happening or not, and no enforceable institutional mechanism for ensuring that it happens. Putting an agreement to do "EC" in the Tunis Agenda had very little impact on the long-term trajectory of Internet governance. And, frankly, it never will.
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