[governance] ITU - summary of draft ITRs to date
Andrea Glorioso
andrea at digitalpolicy.it
Thu Jun 7 06:15:05 EDT 2012
<just joking>
Indeed, one can never be sure with the ITU PSYOP (Psychological
Operations) Department...
</just joking>
For those who are not into this kind of stuff:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_Operations. Or even closer
to Internet Governance:
On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 5:56 AM, Joao Carlos Caribe
<caribe at entropia.blog.br> wrote:
> I reinforce the Avri's recommendation, since as we can't be ensure that this "leak" was the real draft, or the draft that was released to demobilize the activists state of alert.
> []s
> Joao Carlos Caribe
> Movimento Mega Nao
> Brazil
> Em 06/06/2012, às 11:21, Avri Doria escreveu:
>> Hi,
>> My recommendation is continued caution, continuing to pay attention and continuing to try for proper levels of transparency. We know more is coming, and we know from talking to peopel in various countries that they want more. So all I was saying was absence at this point signifies nothing.
>> Beleive I will not posit a threat from WCIT after the WCIT has ended.
>> Also as I read through the language quickly i see a fair number of things that are ambiguous enough that they could end up concerning me once I had done some more work to understand what they are actually saying and what the techno-policy implications are.
>> I have not finished my analysis, but I look forward to seeing yours. BTW, my concerns have always had more to do with the way the Internet actually works than the fluff around the edges about how entries are approved into or out of the database managed by DNS.
>> avri
>> On 6 Jun 2012, at 09:15, Milton L Mueller wrote:
>>> So this means that even though there are no proposals dealing explicitly with taking critical Internet resources we still have to believe that the ITU is out to take over ICANN et al, because such proposal “could” exist but is cleverly being hidden by the evil conspirators…?
>>> No offense, but this is beginning to sound like people who predict the end of the world, then when the world doesn’t end, they shift the date back.
>>> Don’t get me wrong, there are clearly things that (could) affect the Internet in there. But they have to do with negotiating (or blurring) the boundary between layer 1 and 2 telecoms and layer 3 and up. E.g., p. 16 the definition of a global telecom service; e.g., p 21, MOD 30 “Member states/operating agencies shall have the right to know which international routes are used for carrying traffic.” (Almost certainly written by someone who hasn’t a clue how BGP works.)
>>> From: governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org [mailto:governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org] On Behalf Of Avri Doria
>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 6:15 AM
>>> To: IGC
>>> Subject: Re: [governance] ITU - summary of draft ITRs to date
>>> On 6 Jun 2012, at 01:46, Adam Peake wrote:
>>>> Hugs to Milton
>>>> <http://www.internetgovernance.org/2012/06/06/td-64-for-breakfast/>
>>> While this document is a start and I am glad someone dropped it in Milton's lap for sharing, on the cover page it says:
>>>> Proposals regarding certain articles have not yet been incorporated into this version.
>>> So the absence of proposals related to critical Internet resources and protocols may mean they do not exist, or may just mean that they are not yet 'incorporated into this version'
>>> I am hoping that Milton's source continue to drop revised versions of this document on him.
>>> avri
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> --
> João Carlos Caribé
> Publicitário e Consultor de mídias sociais
> http://entropia.blog.br
> caribe at entropia.blog.br
> twitter @caribe / skype joaocaribe
> (21) 8761 1967
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Keep it in mind.
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