[governance] Azeri visas

Izumi AIZU aizu at anr.org
Wed Jul 11 02:54:25 EDT 2012

Hi, I have just sent the following request to the MAG list.

When I got the reply, will post it here (and hope that is acceptable to us).


Dear IGF Secretariat,

Civil society members have been wondering about the uncertainty of
the visa issue process for Azerbaijan IGF. Especially for those where
there is no Azeri
Embassy or Consulate inside their country, or even there is, very far from where
they live (US, China etc.)

There is not much information helpful at the current local host website.

Is "note verbal" enough to assure us to obtain the visa at the entry airport?

Your clarification at earliest possible is very much appreciated.




2012/7/11 Norbert Klein <nhklein at gmx.net>:
> +1
> On 7/11/2012 1:57 AM, Faisal Hasan wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am from Bangladesh. There is no Azerbaijan embassy here. I am struggling
> to find information about the visa procedure for Bangladeshi Nationals. Visa
> procedure for us for any country is already difficult and Azerbaijan seems
> to be a very difficult place to go.
> I am just wondering why was Azerbaijan chosen as a venue for IGF as
> travelling there would be a pain for most people.
> If the IGF wants to be much more inclusive and effective, the venue should
> be chosen in place where it is lot easier to travel. I hope next time the
> organizers will keep this in mind.
> Thanks
> Faisal
> Bangladesh
> Emphasis added by me,
> Norbert
> --
> Norbert Klein
> Phnom Penh, Cambodia
> nhklein at gmx.net
> http://www.thinking21.org
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                        >> Izumi Aizu <<

          Institute for InfoSocionomics, Tama University, Tokyo

           Institute for HyperNetwork Society, Oita,
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