[governance] Declaration of Internet Freedom

Brett Solomon brett at accessnow.org
Tue Jul 10 13:41:31 EDT 2012


Just catching up on a ton of emails while traveling; I wanted to set out a
few broader thoughts (sorry for the long email - and now I see the
conversation moved with Marianne from Governance to IRP so this email will
cross post).

No one person or group 'owns' the internet, should determine how it is
governed, or has the mandate to create the set of internet principles.
Instead a willingness to enter into conversations, to understand what came
before and improve from one's own starting point should be a defining
factor with which to judge initiatives. In the context of principles, I am
of the opinion that we should not only allow, but encourage a thousand
connected flowers to bloom. And that is exactly what is happening, in many
different and varied forums (the compiled list is a great resource - thanks
Jeremy for putting this together). Seeing how some of those initiatives may
converge and support each other I think is the next step.

With respect to the Internet Declaration, there was a lot of momentum post
SOPA/PIPA, so trying to propel that energy with a positive agenda (as
opposed to 'Down with SOPA/PIPA!' etc), seems smart to me. Access first
became engaged in part because its aim (as can be seen from the
was to actively engage users in the discussion (hence reedit, techdirt
etc). I am strongly of the opinion that an internet declaration cannot be
written by a few people behind closed doors. I have conveyed to the core
group of drafters of the importance of making sure that this Internet
Declaration be part of the conversation, not *the* conversation, and that a
final, more complete declaration should be allowed to evolve. The
Declaration as is, is going global; there are individuals signatories from
more 120 counties; hundreds organizational signatories (including APC,
Amnesty International Bytes for All (Pakistan), Global Voices, Reporters
without Borders etc).

To my mind, there are certainly things that are missing from the
Declaration. For example, whilst all of the principles are rights based
(hence why Amnesty International and we signed on) the words 'human rights'
are not mentioned. It does not include some of the elements of the 10
Internet Rights and Principles. 'Life, liberty and security' for example is
missing. It also does not recognize properly the principles and documents
that have come before, including WSIS commitments. In its defense it says *"We
are joining an international movement to defend our freedoms because we
believe that they are worth fighting for."* There is some momentum towards
addressing these concerns (including putting or referencing other
initiatives in the Preamble) and I with others have been pushing for this.
* *On the IRP 10 Rights and Principles <http://irpcharter.org/campaign/>, *I
agree with others analysis above.* *It was pretty clear to me in 2010 that
the Charter was just too dense for advocates, many policy makers and most
users and was (rightly) taking a long time to get it right. A few of us at
the IGF in Vilnius agreed to take the lead on drafting a "distilled, punchy
version" of the Charter, and after many (many) rounds of internal debate
and discussion on the IRP list and beyond, we got consensus as Dixie and
others pointed out. I personally think are awesome (except one word in
Principle 10 should say multistakeholder not multilateral).

I know these 10 principles are being used in many contexts (its translated
in 21 languages). The problem however with this document was that it was
never given the resources to publicize it and unlike the Declaration,
didn't have the organizational reach to get it out into the user-base. See
the list below by way of contrast. This doesn't mean the 10 Rights and
Principles are not important - they have a life of their own, and we should
continue to push them in appropriate forums, including into the text of the
Internet Declaration. As Wolfgang said in another thread, this material
should be more actively used and there is opportunity to operationalise
them as Dixie has suggested.

Getting buy in, let alone consensus as we all know can be a total
nightmare. It can lead to paralysis, but I think its worth trying. I also
want to note, that many groups haven't ever heard of the IGC, the IRP
Dynamic Coalition or Enhanced Cooperation - why would they have? We need to
engage more people (particularly Americans?) in the WSIS process, to
understand the commitments and to take the IGF process forward
(incidentally I dont think we need a new IGF or otherwise). One last point
on this - with so many active and informed individuals on this list, some
of the conversations can be pretty overwhelming/intimidating, so its hard
to invite new people here.

I was also thinking that the IGF might be the right time to try to bring
the stakeholders together. A quo vardis meeting (let's not call it that!)
or IRP meeting would make sense. I would love to be part of that. I also
think that there is lots of room for cross pollination before then and look
forward to discussions online ahead of a face to face meeting. Sam's
suggestions of curation and coordination should be encouraged.

Best wishes,


PS Who hacked the IRP site and how? I can get our tech defense team to look
at it if that is useful.

Brett Solomon
Executive Director | Access
accessnow.org | rightscon.org
+1 917 969 6077 | skype: brettsolomon | @accessnow
Key ID: 0x312B641A

*Organizational Signatories*

   - Access Take Action!<https://www.accessnow.org/page/s/internetdeclaration>
   - Access Humboldt
   - Alliance for Community Media
   - American Civil Liberties Union Take
   - Amicus
   - Amnesty International
   - Association for Progressive Communications
   - Association for Women's Rights in Development
   - Attachments.me
   - Aviary
   - Bill of Rights Defense Committee
   - Bits of Freedom
   - Bolo Bhi
   - Boulder Denver New Tech
   - Boxee
   - Breadpig
   - Bytes for All
   - Calyx Institute
   - Center for Democracy & Technology
   - Center for Digital Democracy
   - Center for Media Justice
   - Center for Rural Strategies
   - Centre for Internet and Society
   - Cheezburger, Inc.
   - Circa
   - ColorOfChange.org
   - Communication Is Your Right
   - CREDO Take
   - DailyKos
   - Demand Progress
   - Digitale Gesellschaft e.V.
   - Digital Sisters
   - Echo Ditto, Inc.
   - Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights
   - Electronic Frontier Foundation Take
   - Entertainment Consumers Association
   - Fark, Inc.
   - Favstar
   - Fight for the Future Take Action! <http://www.internetpromise.org/>
   - Foundry Group
   - Free Press Take
   - Free Speech TV
   - Future of Music Coalition
   - Girl Develop It
   - Globalvision
   - Global Voices Advocacy
   - Greenlining
   - Hackers & Founders
   - Harry Potter Alliance
   - Human Rights First
   - Hypothes.is
   - If I Were President
   - Imagine K12
   - Industry Ears
   - Institute for Local Self Reliance
   - Internet Infrastructure Coalition
   - The Julia Group
   - Laughing Squid
   - Levo League
   - Loudsauce
   - Lower Third Productions
   - MacUser magazine
   - MakerBot
   - May First/People Link
   - Media Equity Collaborative
   - Media Literacy Project
   - Media Mobilizing Project
   - Mother Jones
   - Mozilla
   - NAMAC
   - National Hispanic Media Coalition
   - NationBuilder
   - Native Public Media
   - Netroots Nation
   - New Media Rights
   - NY Tech Meetup
   - Open Knowledge Foundation
   - OpenMedia.ca
   - OpenMIC
   - Open Technology Institute, New America Foundation
   - Orbotix
   - Organizing 2.0
   - Participatory Politics Foundation
   - People's Production House
   - Personal Democracy Media
   - Pirate Party of Spain (PIRATA)
   - Presente.org
   - Privacy Camp
   - Prometheus Radio Project
   - Public Knowledge
   - Public News Service
   - Rebuild the Dream
   - reddit
   - Reporters Without Borders
   - Rewired State
   - Rhizome
   - Save Hosting Coalition
   - Seismologik
   - SEOmoz
   - Shuttleworth Foundation
   - SideTour
   - SlideShare
   - SMBC
   - Social Media Club
   - Sonic.net
   - Techdirt
   - Techstars
   - 350.org
   - Topspin
   - Trippi & Associates
   - Truthout
   - Tucows
   - Union Square Ventures
   - UNITY Journalists
   - The UpTake
   - Upworthy
   - Ushahidi
   - Witness
   - Women In Media & News
   - Women Who Tech
   - Women's Media Center
   - Y Combinator
   - Yesware
   - Young Rewired State
    10 drink minimum
   - 12Petals Media Group
   - 3:10 To Overtime
   - 3Degrees Agency
   - 4 the World
   - 4sqwifi
   - 5000Hands, Inc.
   - 8E Riesenschlangen (Large Python Rescue)
   - A Moving Picture Studios
   - A Small Orange
   - Abhyudaya
   - Abraxis Reader Service
   - ABSIS
   - Abstruse Design & Consulting
   - Accionesyopciones.com
   - achurch & associates pty ltd
   - ACLAP
   - Adapt Partners LLC
   - Adhelis
   - AdMecha, LLC
   - adNET inc.
   - Adtwik
   - Aegis-technical.com
   - Affect
   - Africa Gathering
   - Agence Tunisienne d'Internet
   - Agility Internet Solutions
   - Akoo.be
   - Alchemnini, LLC
   - ALDIL (l'Association Lyonnaise pour le Développement de l'Informatique
   - All-American Country Music
   - Allegood Computers, LLC
   - Alliteration Ink
   - AllStruck
   - AlnAndr IT, LLC
   - Alternativa Digital, S.A. de C.V.
   - Alternative Informatics Association (Alternatif Bilişim Derneği)
   - Alternatives
   - AMDG Productions
   - AnchorFree
   - Andrew Larsen Projects
   - Ann sumo photography
   - AP Records LLC
   - Apex Workstations
   - APJE.biz
   - apocadocs.com
   - Applied IT Systems LLC
   - AppLode
   - ArchipelProject
   - Arizona Business Technology
   - ARm42
   - Artistick
   - Ask The Computer Experts
   - Asmfoot Association
   - Associação de Defesa ao Consumidor, ao Meio Ambiente e ao Patrimônio
   Público e Histórico de Nova Era, ONG PRÓ-CIDADANIA
   - Association Freedom & Responsibility
   - atoll project
   - Atomic Monkey
   - Austin Preclinical Consulting LLC
   - AutreachIT
   - Avant Prime
   - Averett Photo Room
   - Awesome Foundation
   - aworks.kz
   - AxSGranted
   - AzadCyber
   - Azura Designs
   - Babelverse
   - BalmWorks
   - BAMM.tv
   - Barriton Web Agency (Agence Barriton)
   - Bauer-Power Media
   - Bayou City Techs
   - BCS (Brouwer Computer Service)
   - Bemusedenterprises.Com
   - Beyond Tomorrow
   - beyondclicktivism (Tim would like to be added as an individual)
   - Big Heavy World
   - Bintelligence Ltda.
   - Birchmere Labs
   - Bitbureauet
   - BKK
   - Black Ravens Gaming
   - Black St Press
   - Black Talon, LLC
   - Blacknight
   - BlackSmurf
   - Blame it on the Voices
   - Blaqk Sheep
   - Blue Gears
   - Blue Tie Media
   - Bocoup
   - bookofdoug
   - Bossa Studios
   - braincomputerinterfaces.at
   - Brave New Software Project, In
   - Breaker
   - Brian Parkhill Rare Books
   - Broadband Reports
   - Brookhaven/AwesomeCave Productions
   - BrowserFame
   - Bruce W Conley - The Computer Coach
   - BTC Machine
   - buch & netz
   - Bullet Proof Microsystems
   - Business Blogging
   - ButtonsWebGroup
   - BZCo
   - c&c Design Consultants
   - Cabs-ontime
   - Cafe De Italia
   - Cafe Mono
   - Calabozo Mutante
   - Callida
   - Calyx Institute
   - Canadian Journalists for Free Expression
   - Canvas Webhouse
   - Cappadocia Academy
   - Carlisle Earth and Ocean Services
   - Carpe Chaos
   - Cartenz Media
   - CasaHop
   - castalian spring
   - Caulfield+Trout
   - Center for Digital Democracy
   - Centre for Independent Journalism, Malaysia
   - Cerahati Digital Media
   - Cerberus Studios
   - Cerebral Developments
   - ChaseIT
   - ChasMalloy.Com
   - chatme.im
   - Checker's Records Collective
   - CheckMyMind
   - Checkthis
   - Chicago IT Systems, S.L.
   - Christianwick.com
   - ChrisWill Computers
   - CircuitSoft LLC
   - CITTADINI DIGITALI. Siamo noi quelli che stiamo aspettando.
   - Claystone Communications
   - Cliq Marketing
   - CloudWebTechnologies
   - Coalition Gaming
   - Codemanship
   - Codicem
   - Coffee Party USA
   - Colectivo Mente Colmena
   - Colltales
   - COM'in.2
   - Community Media Center of Marin
   - CompStar2011
   - Computer Bob
   - CondonTech
   - ConnectionVPN.com
   - Consult M<
   - ControlledVocabulary
   - Cordes et Âmes
   - CR Computer Solutions
   - CrazedPixel Comics
   - Creative Juiz
   - Creative Space
   - Creative Tools AB
   - CRESTA S.A.
   - Cristaldi Designs LLC
   - cs-fr.org
   - CSICON (The Committee for the Surrealist Investigation of Claims of
   the Normal)
   - CSP Consultores
   - Ctenophore LLC
   - Cucco
   - Cwy Technologies, LLC
   - cy2be
   - CyberGhost S.R.L.
   - CyberGhost S.R.L.
   - Cybrilla Technologies Pvt Ltd
   - D2PAD
   - Daisy Web Promotions
   - Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture
   - DANYPC56
   - Data Link Professionals
   - De Baas Research
   - Deadpsyq
   - Dear Future
   - DeClutter Bug
   - Deltree
   - Desertainment
   - Design CGS
   - Design Cloud
   - Designslife
   - DGMetrics, Inc.
   - Dia Studios
   - Dial Tone Pictures
   - Digital Democracy
   - Digital Digging
   - Digital Empowerment Foundation
   - Digital Identity Ltd
   - Digital Workshop
   - Digitalemotion
   - Digitallife.gr
   - Directors Notes
   - Djineo
   - DK Production Design LLC
   - dlh technology
   - DLS
   - DNSimple
   - Dr.BiT
   - DreamHack AB
   - Dreamwidth Studios
   - Drops of HOPE
   - DucStuff
   - Dynamic
   - E & B Adverting Inc
   - e-domen
   - easy-creation.com
   - easyReservations
   - eBiz Consult
   - EBSI
   - Effortless Running
   - ehip
   - Eight-Zero-Eight
   - ElectroJams Media, LLC
   - Electronic Frontiers Australia
   - Elephant Boy Computers
   - Else For If
   - EnigmaBoard
   - Enliken
   - Epic Displays
   - Ergoigl Inc.
   - Eroth Productions, LLC
   - eslared
   - Espace Broderie
   - espace multimédia de ploemeur
   - Etiquette Networks, LLC
   - EURALO (European Regional At-Large Organization)
   - Exophrine
   - expectnomore.net
   - Explodify.com
   - Extra Future
   - Eyeluminations Inc.
   - F.F.T. MedienAgentur
   - Fairy Mayhem Films
   - Farah & Farah, P.A.
   - Feral Hosting
   - FiberCorps
   - Fipeo
   - FitzMaurice Publishers
   - FMMC/Armitage Recording
   - FoAM
   - Fondation Medine Horizos
   - ForgeZone
   - formatik
   - Forum Valley of the Wolves منتديات وادي الذئاب
   - Free Knowledge Institute
   - Free Press Unlimited
   - Free Range Content Inc
   - Freeappiaphones
   - Freedom Against Censorship Thailand (FACT)
   - FreeHAL Project
   - FriBit
   - frombolivia
   - FrontBeach
   - Fulgurio
   - FUNREDES (Networks & Development Foundation)
   - Fusiondirectory
   - Futura Media
   - Future Business Networks, Inc.
   - Gazeta dos Arcos
   - GBM Technologies
   - GDF Commercial Art Agency
   - Gebull-Gâtine et Bocage Utilisateurs des Logiciels Libres
   - Geek News Central
   - Général Changelog Team
   - Genesis Gaming
   - Gentlemen Bastards
   - Gestor Consultores
   - Gipsy Chef, Llc
   - GJ's Computer Services
   - Glass Grenade Productions (elseFest)
   - GlenR Designs
   - Glitschka Studios
   - Global Green Film Productions
   - Global Journalist Security
   - Global Transhumanist Conspiracy
   - GNOME
   - Goldstein Media LLC
   - GrassWire
   - Greater Barclay Football Club
   - Green Napalm Productions
   - GreeneParrotPix
   - Greenhost
   - GreenQloud
   - Grid Wide News
   - Guimarães Andrade Advogados Associados
   - gxDesign
   - Habrahabr
   - Hacked `n Cracked
   - Hamilton Electronics Repair
   - Hanzo Archives
   - Happy Little Pigs
   - Haven/Bastion
   - Helion Frost Technology
   - Heyzap
   - Holders Place
   - Holes In The Net
   - Homeskillet Records
   - Homestyle Games
   - Honduras Cursos Inc
   - Hoosier Crane Service Company
   - Hose Master
   - House of Aries Studios
   - Humble.Delirious
   - Hunky Dorey Entertainment
   - I.T.S (Information Technology Solutions)
   - I2Mag: Internet and Design Inspiration Magazine
   - iBrattleboro.com
   - iBulla.com
   - iByte Networks, LLC
   - iceTree Media
   - ICON Software Solutions
   - IDCI-Consulting
   - IdEAL Order Psychic TV
   - IEEE Panama Computer Society
   - Igniter
   - IKT24
   - Illianced
   - Illustrious Productions
   - Imagine!
   - iMatt Sàrl
   - IMMI (International Modern Media Institution)
   - Incendonet
   - Infinity News Network
   - info2dev
   - Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF Asia)
   - InformedTrades
   - Infworm
   - inhospito.net
   - Ink4u.co.uk
   - Innocon
   - Innostrat Technologies
   - iNovve
   - Instart Gaming
   - Institute on Higher Awesome Studies
   - Instituto Nupef
   - Intense Computing
   - Intension Designs Ltd.
   - Interaction Design Centre
   - International Modern Media Institute
   - International Research Center
   - Internet Democracy Project
   - Internet Sans Frontières
   - InterPARES
   - Intune.Network
   - Iowans for Voting Integrity
   - IP Solution
   - IQumulus LLC
   - Iris Films
   - iShopUSA.com
   - IVCOD
   - IZE Creative
   - Jake DiMare Consulting
   - JALA International
   - Janua
   - JDR Enterprises
   - Jeff Rivett Consulting
   - Jeveuxduweb.com
   - Jigoshop
   - Joe Urbz Multimedia
   - joeycyprowski.com
   - Johan Ohm
   - Jonathan Browning Studios
   - Joylab.ca
   - JRWDevelopment
   - Julf Technology
   - Junge Piraten e.V.
   - jwr computers
   - kali-graph
   - Karl Kepler
   - Karma
   - Karmøy Naturstein AS
   - Karol Players Theatre Guild Inc
   - Kern Law, LTD
   - Khizhnyak Corp.
   - KillerMobi
   - KJ Centre
   - klimperei
   - Knipfty Equity Trek, Inc
   - komak
   - KOMart
   - Konsept Dışı
   - KontorMølla AS
   - Kooc Media
   - Korben
   - Krumwiede Roofing
   - ktmproject.net
   - Kuhcoon
   - L0pht Heavy Industries
   - La Biosfera Eco-Retreat
   - La Galerie d'Eyffeir©
   - La Locura De Sargeras
   - Lab Rats Technica Digital Consulting
   - LAB4 Web Design
   - Lamar Book Depot
   - lartek.net
   - Lauda Inc.
   - LaunchGram
   - lead-trumpet.com
   - LeaguePodcast
   - Lean Green Machines
   - LeavesOfGrass.Org
   - Lefiant
   - LegendaryMousse
   - Les Alchimistes du Verbe
   - LetGoAndFlow.com
   - Letters From Strangers
   - Liberty Public Foundation
   - Lighting the Taper
   - LightPath Creative
   - Lindy Ravers
   - Liquid Culture
   - Little Red Tent Photography
   - Littlegemma Web Design
   - Locatrix Communications
   - Loop Productions
   - Lucas County Green Party
   - Lucid Computing Solutions
   - LUMU Invest Sàrl
   - Lyclic
   - MacUser magazine
   - Mailclub
   - majortek
   - Make your Girlfriend Happy
   - Manchester Gossip Ltd
   - Mandala Society Of Croatia
   - Manila Reviews
   - Más y Mejor Internet para Bolivia
   - Massive MKTG Inc.
   - Mbesn
   - Média Camp
   - MediaPop Inc.
   - Melbourne Server Hosting
   - Melhuus Design
   - Melon Farmers Ltd
   - meltyNetwork
   - Mexican Academy of IT Law
   - Mezeo Software
   - MG Installations
   - Miami Design Firm
   - Mid Arctic Technology Services
   - Mike Carson Creative
   - Mike Langer's PC Pit Stop
   - MillBro Chat IRC
   - Millennial Branding
   - Miller-Interactive
   - Mindloveproject
   - Miniksu Armories
   - Mischa Computer Consulting
   - Missing e
   - Mixed Media Marketing
   - ML Studio
   - MLA (Mike Lewin & Assoc)
   - Młodzi Socjaliści
   - MM LLC
   - Mobizi Inc.
   - Momentous Corp.
   - Momentum Leadership Consulting LLC
   - Montréal Ouvert
   - Mortar
   - Mountain West Marine
   - Movies.io
   - MovieViral.com
   - MRK Computer Services, Inc.
   - mtmedia.org
   - MUGA (mais um gabinete de arquitectura)
   - MullSoft Ltd.
   - Museum of Computer Culture
   - Musique Moderne
   - MWC News
   - My Digital Footprint
   - MyDebater
   - Mydex CIC
   - MyProfile Project
   - Napa Needlepoint
   - Natan Nikolic Design Ltd.
   - National Public Investigative Service LLC
   - NationBuilder
   - Nature's Choice
   - nemisys.com/weavervisions.com/zerothoughtsquared.com and more
   - Neowin LLC
   - Nepal Open Source Klub
   - Nerdcore.de
   - nerdfighters
   - nerdworking
   - Neterra Ltd
   - New Markets Venture Partners
   - New Rustic Future
   - Newman IT Solutions, Inc.
   - Newmarket Otaku
   - newsPAD
   - Nicoduv
   - Nightclubparanormal.com
   - nighthawk apps, LLC
   - Nikom
   - Nilsen ITCons
   - Nimonik
   - Nine Labs
   - NN-Sevais ltd.
   - noir
   - NOOKA
   - Norges Unge Venstre (The Young Liberals of Norway)
   - Northwest Ohio Broadband
   - NOSK
   - Notch's Own Pickaxe
   - NowDigital
   - NowPublic
   - Nowspots Inc.
   - NPeaches
   - NTB
   - NWE
   - Objectif Transition
   - OjingoLabs.com
   - OmegaJunior.Net
   - oMYmedia
   - OneFiftySeven, LLC
   - OneWorld - platform for south east europe Foundation
   - Online Tobago
   - Onlio, a.s.
   - open for organisations
   - Open Goldberg Variations
   - Open Humanities Press
   - Open Institute
   - Open Labs
   - Open Materials
   - Open State
   - Open-Xchange AG
   - openDemocracy.net
   - OpenLink Software
   - OpenSides
   - OpenSignalMaps
   - Orcades ltd.
   - Organizaţia Română pentru Drepturile de Utilizator
   - Organization United Youth
   - Organizing 2.0
   - Orn.li
   - Ornell Software
   - Oryza, Pipal Communications Private Limited
   - OZNB Foundation
   - Ozone
   - Pakistan Curates
   - Palm Productions
   - Palmetto
   - Pangea - Coordinadora Comunicació per a la Cooperació
   - Papertank Limited
   - Parceld
   - Participatory Politics Foundation
   - PC & Pro Audio Service Center
   - PC Mod Squad
   - PC Savers
   - Peace, Love & Apple Pie
   - Peacemaven.com
   - Peer Assembly
   - Pencilcoders
   - people opinion!
   - Perceptive Computer Services CC
   - Perini
   - Perisys Pty Ltd
   - Phocus
   - PhotonFlash
   - Phraust Co.
   - pidder.com
   - PinCiti
   - PINGV
   - Pirate Party (Walloon Brabant - Belgium)
   - Pirate Party Australia
   - Pirate Party Denmark
   - Pirate Party of Belgium
   - Pirate Party of Croatia
   - Pittsburgh Community Television
   - Pivot Guild, LLC
   - Pixelhead Creative
   - Playout
   - PNM Abroad
   - Polar Ice Engineering Studios
   - Polarworld
   - Police State UK
   - Positive People
   - Praxis Micro, LLC
   - Private Internet Access™
   - problem solved computer repair
   - ProDataLab
   - Progressive Factory
   - Project Group Internet Policy of the Berlin Green Party
   - Project Meshnet
   - Promoseo.co.uk
   - Protect Our Freedoms
   - Proximus, Inc.
   - Pyrat.net
   - QScend Technologies
   - Quack's Echo
   - Queal Technology Services
   - Québec Ouvert
   - QuestionCopyright.org
   - Radar Research
   - Rambutan Records
   - Rap Genius
   - RATSS.org
   - RAWRtacular Productions
   - Real South Magazine
   - Realestate.co.nz Ltd
   - RecoEngine
   - Recollections Studio LLC
   - Red River Consultores
   - Redonfiles
   - Redwood Empire
   - RefreshAugusta
   - REGdom Servizi Internet srl
   - reinwarth idm consulting
   - Reitter Management Corporation
   - Residencymilestones.com
   - Reuben & Hunter
   - Reverse Phones Australia
   - Rewired State
   - Rhizome
   - Rizek
   - RJ2
   - rlocone.com
   - Roatan Wallpaper
   - rob kimmel design
   - Robot Media
   - Rollermonkey Design Group
   - RootStrike
   - Rose Bowl Tavern
   - Rotex
   - RotorsOnline.com
   - Roughly Brilliant Digital Studios
   - Rubyx I.T. Solutions
   - S. Thommen Consulting
   - Saatchi & Saatchi (NZ)
   - SABOTIER Romain Raymond Gérard
   - Samtök um bíllausan lífsstíl
   - San Francisco Community Broadband Network
   - Savvy Panda
   - SBF (Social Brain Foundation)
   - SC Forbes Ventures VII
   - Scherr Technology
   - schokokeks.org GbR
   - Seazo studio
   - SEM Overhaul
   - Semacraft Consulting Partners Africa
   - Semantic Software Engineer
   - SenDiX Interactive
   - SEPo (search engine positioning)
   - serkoart LLC
   - Serrated Records
   - SF Circuits
   - SF MusicTech Summit
   - Share Foundation
   - Shelby.tv
   - SHiFT
   - Silverrack
   - Simplict Lab
   - SiteSteward, Inc.
   - skymia studios
   - SlideShare
   - Slightly Toasted
   - SlothBorg Technologies
   - Smalley Creative Blog
   - Smart Guy Media
   - smartHampton
   - SmartSys4Us
   - Smaxx Inc.
   - Soaring Bird Enterprises
   - Social Edge
   - Social Innovation Camp
   - social move, Thailand
   - Society to Stop World War Three
   - Sociovant
   - Sociovant LLC
   - Soho Tech Labs
   - SOK Communication
   - solución creativa
   - Somethin' Else
   - Sonic.net
   - Soup Interactive
   - southshift
   - Southwest Wyoming Wireless Connect
   - SpacesSquared
   - Speculative Fiction Group
   - Spellbound Web
   - SPH Enterprizes LLC
   - Spirit Quest World
   - Spling
   - Spotflux
   - Sprettur - þróun og stjórnun ehf.
   - Springboard School System
   - St. Luke's Youth
   - Stack & Heap
   - Stardrive Intermedia
   - StartupCity Des Moines
   - Stas'M Corp.
   - Steam Communications
   - Stonecraft Inc.
   - STR Publishing
   - Streight Site Systems
   - Studio Black Flag
   - Studio Verde
   - stupidDOPE.com
   - Subcava Sonora
   - Subject 2 Discussion
   - Suits & Sandals, LLC
   - Suntrip Records
   - Sutorippu!
   - Swider Medeiros Haver LLP
   - Swipp
   - Symbiotisk ApS
   - Synapse Group
   - Systemcall.org
   - Taggs.co
   - TakeTracker
   - TAM & J
   - TCBE (Things Can Be Easier)
   - Tech Support Man, LLC
   - TechChange
   - technomoo
   - TechSpot
   - Techventures
   - TechVigilante
   - TecNet
   - Tecshell Desarrollo Web Profesional
   - Tekkish
   - Telecommunication Chamber of Ukraine
   - Telemedia Network Cakrawala
   - Temple of the Ancient Dragons
   - Tetherless Access
   - The ABC
   - The Baird Enterprise
   - The Cake Inc.
   - The Change Agent
   - The Customer's Voice
   - The Digital Development Group, Corp.
   - The Doxing Company
   - The Futures Agency
   - The Geek Domain, LLC
   - The Hermetic Library
   - The Highly Technical Doohickey Company
   - The In Arts NW
   - The Indie Shelter
   - The Kleptones
   - The London Picture Hanger
   - The Miami Valley School
   - The New Universalist Church Of God
   - The Next Web
   - The Phat Startup
   - The Prison Project
   - The Random Acts of Blindness
   - The Saxifrage School
   - The Sierra Madre Tattler
   - The Startup Car Inc.
   - The Treefort
   - The Tribe of the Strange
   - The Unholy American
   - The Waterman Chronicles
   - TheOrigin
   - Thespiphobia
   - TheWayoftheWeb
   - Thomas Owens Enterprises
   - Thompson Wealth Mgmt, Ltd
   - Threant Software
   - Three InfoSolutions
   - Thrivable
   - Thropos Ltd
   - Tiger Media
   - TimeToTest
   - tinas childminding service
   - TNL.net
   - Tomfoolery Pictures Ltd
   - Top 21 Systemhaus GmbH
   - Trabbu
   - TRAMAS Consultora
   - Trashbros
   - Trek computer systems
   - trend.nu, Inc.
   - Tribal Pictures
   - TridentEntertainment (Would like to be added as an individual as well)
   - Trikaya Communication
   - Trilobyte Games, LLC
   - Trippi & Associates
   - Tripwire Computers LLC
   - TrollCorp International
   - Truman Consulting Group
   - Tsares Technologies
   - TugaTech
   - Tusk
   - Tux-FreeHost
   - TV Mayenne
   - TVM: Student Television at McGill
   - Twisted Oak Studios Inc.
   - Two Gems Consulting Services
   - TwtrSymphony
   - Tyler Data Solutions
   - Uhurunet
   - Umzuzu
   - Unhosted
   - Uninter
   - UNIT411
   - United Networks of the Internet
   - Universal Commonwealth
   - University of Trieste
   - Unknown Studio Productions Ltd
   - URCHN
   - Uru
   - V3 Cosplay  Syndicate
   - Vemba
   - VerbalizeIt
   - Vernier Bondy Blog
   - VersoBit
   - VideoBlurb
   - Vidmaker
   - Viet Tan
   - Viktorix Innovative
   - Village Telco
   - Virtual Asylum
   - Virtual-Info
   - Visionary Software Solutions LLC
   - VividFront
   - VizPro Creative
   - Voice Blogging Project, Blog Action Day
   - Voile-RC
   - VoxAudi
   - W. P. Shank llc.
   - Waag Society
   - Walton Hospitality
   - Wan4All
   - Wanted Webs
   - Waqas Group of Companies
   - Warrior Fusion
   - We Are Change / Infowar Designs
   - Web Design By Michael Froseth
   - Web Funters
   - web4life
   - Websailors
   - weo.no
   - West Of Utopia Unlimited Productions
   - West Virginia Disc Golf Assoc. llc
   - Whitenboard
   - wikiDOMO unmedia
   - wikiHow
   - Wikiotics Foundation
   - WikiQuals
   - William y Juan Co.
   - Wind River Inc
   - WinSpark Network
   - Wise Man Say
   - Wolfe Family Enterprises, LLC
   - Work Department
   - Working Class Press
   - Working Holiday Starter
   - worklifeimaging.com
   - wraycomcom
   - Writing Forward
   - Writopia Lab
   - WyzCo Group Inc
   - Xerdt Media LLC
   - XL Hydrocarbon Assets, LLC.
   - Yado LLC
   - YAWAM (Yet Another Website About Music)
   - Yeehhaa.com
   - You Wealth Revolution
   - Young Subber Team
   - ysance
   - Zefir
   - Zeiden Media
   - Zulius
   - Zurker Inc.
   - Zysys
   - Инициативная группа граждан За свободный интернет пространства (The
   initiative group of citizens for free Internet space)

On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 6:53 AM, Izumi AIZU <iza at anr.org> wrote:

> Wolfgang and all, as the coordinated of QuoVadis IGF, I Adam open to such
> suggestions.
> Any specific names or points to add to the current WS proposal ?
> Thanks
> Izumi
> 2012年7月3日火曜日 "Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
> wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de:
> To avoid duplication or working in parallel I propose to organize the Quo
>> Vadis workshop as a joint event IGC & DC.
>> w
>> ________________________________
>> Von: Benedek, Wolfgang (wolfgang.benedek at uni-graz.at) [mailto:
>> wolfgang.benedek at uni-graz.at]
>> Gesendet: Di 03.07.2012 14:46
>> An: governance at lists.igcaucus.org; Jeremy Malcolm
>> Betreff: AW: [governance] Declaration of Internet Freedom
>> What I wanted to point out as well is that we already have two more
>> declarations under this name, the Geneva Declaration on Internet Freedom of
>> 2010 by a group of NGOs and the Guiding Principles of Internet Freedom of
>> 2012 by Praxis think tank of Estonia, which are both more elaborate.
>> It would be good to bring all these initiatives together and the DC on
>> Internet Rights and Principles would be a suitable place for doing so.
>> Unfortunately, people seem prefer to work in parallel which might limit
>> the effects of such efforts.
>> Wolfgang Benedek
>> Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Benedek
>> Institute for International Law and International Relations
>> University of Graz
>> Universitätsstraße 15, A4
>> A-8010 Graz
>> Tel.: +43/316/380/3411
>> Fax: +43/316/380/9455
>> Von: governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org [mailto:
>> governance-request at lists.igcaucus.org] Im Auftrag von Jeremy Malcolm
>> Gesendet: Dienstag, 03. Juli 2012 06:57
>> An: governance at lists.igcaucus.org
>> Betreff: [governance] Declaration of Internet Freedom
>> Most of you have probably seen the Declaration of Internet Freedom that
>> is going around; see http://www.internetdeclaration.org/freedom.
>> It's not very good.
>> For one thing, it's very high-level and vague, so that if you look at the
>> discussions, people are making all sorts of extrapolations from it like "if
>> we have the ability to save something on our hard drives, we should have
>> the right to freely copy and share it", arguing about whether anonymity is
>> or is not included, etc.  It's just pretty sloppy and unhelpful.
>> For another, although a lot of groups have signed on to it, it seems to
>> have been developed by a fairly narrow segment of US-based groups and
>> entrepreneurs, and there was no serious attempt to reach out ahead of its
>> launch yesterday.  Even a lot of people who are usually in the loop hadn't
>> heard about it until the last minute.  At least one major European digital
>> rights group has decided not to sign on.
>> Also, it contains no explicit mention of human rights, and the clear
>> emphasis is on the interests of the Internet industry rather than users or
>> non-user citizens/consumers (note the emphasis given, for such a short
>> document, to the principle "don't punish innovators for their users'
>> actions").  Whilst I agree with the principle, it's not the first thing I'd
>> include.
>> All that being said, these are just my views.  Does the IGC want to sign
>> onto it?
>> --
>> Dr Jeremy Malcolm
>> Senior Policy Officer
>> Consumers International
>> Kuala Lumpur Office for Asia-Pacific and the Middle East
>> Lot 5-1 Wisma WIM, 7 Jalan Abang Haji Openg, TTDI, 60000 Kuala Lumpur,
>> Malaysia
>> Tel: +60 3 7726 1599
>> Follow @ConsumersInt <http://twitter.com/Consumers_Int>
>> Like us at www.facebook.com/consumersinternational
>> Read our email confidentiality notice <
>> http://www.consumersinternational.org/email-confidentiality> . Don't
>> print this email unless necessary.
> --
>                      >> Izumi Aizu <<
> Institute for InfoSocionomics, Tama University, Tokyo
> Institute for HyperNetwork Society, Oita,
> Japan
> www.anr.org
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