[governance] BREAKING NEWS: ACTA shot down!

Louis Pouzin (well) pouzin at well.com
Wed Jul 4 09:37:47 EDT 2012

4th of July

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike Rispoli, Access Now <access at accessnow.org>
Date: Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 3:08 PM
Subject: BREAKING NEWS: ACTA goes down!



*Your voice helped bring down ACTA -- now please consider helping us
sustain this momentum! Click here to chip in to make sure we see more of
these victories in the future -- even a small amount


This just in -- *the European Parliament, in a landslide vote, has voted
down ACTA, with 478 votes against and only 39 in favor!* As one of the
380,000 people who called on MEPs to vote "No," congratulations to you and
all the other organizations, communities, and Members of Parliament who
have fought to defeat this dangerous international treaty.

This morning, we met MEPs at the door as they entered Parliament for the
vote (see picture to the right), giving them one last reminder to vote
"No." Media and MEPs nodded to the strength of our global movement for
digital freedom -- *we got their attention, and your signature on our
petition helped make this happen!*

Though today’s win is significant for our global movement for digital
freedom, those that supported ACTA will undoubtedly dust themselves off and
begin a new push to protect their business models at any cost. What we need
to do now is focus on reforming these broken copyright and patent regimes
and promote a culture that is conducive to creativity, free expression and
an open internet.

*We can only do this with your help. Your voice helped bring down ACTA --
now we invite you to consider helping us sustain this momentum! Click here
to chip in to make sure we see more of these victories in the future --
even a small amount

The defeat of ACTA means there is one less agreement pushing ISPs to
surveil and police users in the name of copyright. Without ACTA, countries
can now engage in much needed reform to intellectual property laws. The
people have spoken - international trade agreements that touch on our
rights and our internet must be negotiated democratically and not behind
closed doors. *When it comes to internet policy, we will not be messed with!

While artists should absolutely be compensated for their work, it should
never come at the expense of our freedom of expression, access to the
internet, and privacy online. So now is the time to *look beyond ACTA and
work towards a new framework that recognizes our online practices rather
than destroying them*, an intellectual property framework fit for the
digital age.

This global fight is not over and our small team is working hard to
advocate for users like you. None of this work would be possible without
the support of Access members -- *that's why contributions, even in small
amounts, go a long way in allowing us to plan what to take on next.*

*We can't stop now -- not with serious national and international battles
on the horizon. Help us take on the next big fight, no matter where it is,
by contributing to Access

Thanks for your support,
Mike Rispoli
The Access Campaign Team

*Access is an international NGO that promotes open access to the internet
as a means to free, full and safe participation in society and the
realization of human rights. To help protect the internet around the world,
you can donate to
reply, please email info at accessnow.org. **To unsubscribe, go to: **
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