[governance] Fwd: MAG and CSTD WG meetings
Izumi AIZU
iza at anr.org
Thu Jan 26 08:55:52 EST 2012
Sorry, I sent to the old list ;-).
Here again,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Izumi AIZU <iza at anr.org>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 22:07:20 +0900
Subject: MAG and CSTD WG meetings
To: Governance List <governance at lists.cpsr.org>
Cc: "Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro" <salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com>
Dear list,
As you may all know, there will be IGF open consultation and MAG
meeting in February,
followed by CSTD WG on IGF improvement the week after.
MAG and open consultation meetings will be held on Feb 14-16 while
the CSTD WG (closed meeting) on Feb 20-22.
We would like to know who are planning to participate in the MAG consultation
meeting and then to plan some kind of "bridge" to receive inputs from these
members to be fed into CSTD WG meeting.
The CSTD WG meeting itself is a "closed" one, and five civil society members,
Anriette, Marilia, Wolfgang, Parminder and myself plan to participate
that meeting
(for some members, pending for travel fund).
So, please indicate if you are planning to come to Geneva for MAG open
consultation meeting and then let'e develop the work plan.
>> Izumi Aizu <<
Institute for InfoSocionomics, Tama University, Tokyo
Institute for HyperNetwork Society, Oita,
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<< Writing the Future of the History >>
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