[governance] Message from the Coordinators
Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro
salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 13:43:32 EST 2012
Yes we regret the typo and inconvenience that was unitentional, Vittorio
On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 7:41 AM, Hartmut Richard Glaser <glaser at cgi.br>wrote:
> *Vittorio Bertola*
> ====================================
> On 1/20/12 4:33 PM, Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro wrote:
> Dear List,
> Warm Greetings to you! [?][?][?] We trust that you are all in excellent
> health and good spirits. The transition from 2011 into the new year has
> certainly one not without drama.
> *Mailing List*
> In 2011, you will recall there was a discussion on the list to move the
> list. There were also discussions on how this was going to be done. As you
> can see from Jeremy's email, the new list is now fully operational.
> Old Email for the list: governance at lists.cpsr.org
> New Email for the list:* governance at lists.igcaucus.org*
> *
> *
> There is still the odd email going to the old list and we will keep
> notifying those emailing the list that it has since moved to the new one.
> There are a few people and organisations that we would like to thank for
> sacrificing their time, resources and energy into enabling our existence as
> a list:-
> - William Drake who during his Presidency of the CPSR enabled access
> for this list;
> - Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility - CPSR for hosting
> us;
> - Avri Doria for her resources and as a generous benefactor;
> - All the past Coordinators from when the list first started (*Jeremy
> Malcolm, Ginger Paque, Ian Peter, Vittoria Bertola, Avri Doria, Jeanette
> Hoffman, Adam Peake, YJ Park, Parminder Singh and Wolfgang Kleinwachter
> *);
> - APC (Anriette Esterhuysen and her Team).
> We would also like to thank Dr Jeremy Malcolm for the mammoth effort
> and skill deployed in migrating our list. We also would like to thank each
> and every person who has contributed in some way, shape of form. Thank you
> for your passion, level of collaboration, expertise and collective desire
> and your commitment.
> If we have missed anyone, it is completely unintentional but please
> accept this is our acknowledgment and gratitude.[?][?][?]
> Izumi as you know has taken the liberty of providing the initial
> capital to enable the new hosting and members of the list can contribute by
> way of donations to the hosting via paypal on the http://www.igcaucus.org/
> .
> *Welcome New Members*
> We would also like to take this time to warmly welcome new members of the
> List.[?][?][?] We trust that you will find the list resourceful and
> interactive and robust. We welcome any discussions related to internet
> governance and invite you to add to the rich fragrant flavour that can only
> come when you add your perspectives. The diversity of the perspectives is
> what will continue to make the discussions exciting.
> *Calendar 2012*
> Aside from mapping the Internet Governance and related events in 2012, we
> would like to bring greater visibility to the various regions and to
> highlight their issues. We are also aware that new Regional IGFs like the
> Arab IGF will be created this year and we welcome these exciting
> developments.
> We look forward to a dynamic year full of interactions and energy.
> With our best regards,
> Izumi Aizu and Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro aka Sala
Tweeter: @SalanietaT
Cell: +679 998 2851
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