[governance] Cerfing the Web, or Serfing the Web? (Understanding Google's Internet Evangelism against Internet Access Rights)

Ian Peter ian.peter at ianpeter.com
Tue Jan 17 14:54:56 EST 2012

Let me see if I can summarise this, as I think there is a lot more common
ground that meets the eye.

No one ­ and I think Vint Cerf is included here ­  is denying that denial of
access to the Internet is denial of a human right. I don¹t think we have any
disagreement here about that. (except perhaps with my expression)

The discussion only seems to be about whether the right being denied  might
be a more broadly expressed one such as the right to communicate, the right
to access knowledge, or the right of free speech ­ or whether there should
be a specific human right labelled access to the Internet.

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