[governance] Re: Day 2 - CSTD IGF WG

Marilia Maciel mariliamaciel at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 07:56:26 EST 2012

Ps: there is a very interesting parallel discussion going on online between
non-gov participants about how much we should "zoom" our recommendations in
order to be effective but, at the same time, avoid micromanaging. We are
also discussing a possible structure for the report. I think it is a
positive exchange that "brakes the ice" that seemed to exist regarding
online collaboration. The continuation of this collaboration will be very
important if we do not manage to conclude the work at this meeting, and
need another one in Feb, as initially predicted by the chair.


On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 10:29 AM, Marilia Maciel <mariliamaciel at gmail.com>wrote:

> and the chair mentioned that civil society's statement on funding for
> developing nation WG members to be discussed after lunch (about 2 hours
> away).
> On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Marilia Maciel <mariliamaciel at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Another thing that called my attention was that, according to official
>> interpretation, the IGF is not part of the UN, it is a forum of the
>> Secretary General. Therefore, UN funding would not be possible without a
>> recommendation from the GA. According to what we heard/I understood, UN
>> washed their hands and vividly encouraged the WG to look for ways for the
>> IGF to get for money.
>> I am not against voluntary contributions. We should encourage them, of
>> course. But I think that stable funding has to be guaranteed to IGF core
>> activities and to the participation of MAG members and speakers, especially
>> those from developing countries, based on clear criteria of eligibility.
>> And I think it is unfair that some UN rules are imposed to the IGF, weather
>> we like it or not, but when it comes to being secured by UN, then IGF is
>> just an appendix of the SG. So I made the following comment on the floor:
>> Regardless of feasibility of public funding, I would like to support
>> Parminder's request for a formal written explanation about on what grounds
>> UN DESA is arguing that the IGF is not part of the UN. I think we should be
>> cristal clear on the uderstanding of this, as it impacts the IGF in the
>> future. We are always being told to abide by UN rules, even of matters that
>> are dear to us and that maybe the IGF community would have a different view
>> on how to proceed. I remember clearly that when was there was a launch of
>> the book about freedom of expression, UN authorities showed up to forbid
>> one advertisement that mentioned the name of a country, for instance. I
>> mention this because it is a public, well-known fact. That seemed pretty
>> awckward to us, but I think that people accepted, on the understanding that
>> we had a two-way street relation with UN. I am thinking that maybe this
>> relation with UN is assymetrical and that our responsabilities are not
>> consistent with the support we have received
>> Best,
>> Marília
>> On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 9:50 AM, Izumi AIZU <iza at anr.org> wrote:
>>> We are discussing about the Funding part.
>>> After the coffee break, Chengetai made some reporting of IGF budget
>>> areas.
>>> There is no system to accept small funds
>>> For private sector - they need “invoice”, but UN system does not issue
>>> invoices
>>> Nothing has been denied by UN DESA.
>>> Anything is possible if there is a political will.
>>> Donor meetings – had with open consultations and main meetings.
>>> Donors can’t say this or that – it is for all project as a whole.
>>> No more power with other stakeholders.
>>> Then Anriette made the following remarks remotely, and with her
>>> permission
>>> I am posting it here.
>>> Anriette Esterhuysen:
>>> My contribution: I support a mixed model of funding. I think that
>>> making the IGF responsible for raising its own funds can encourage a
>>> result-oriented approach to IGF management an implementation.
>>> However, for the IGF to have the capacity to raise the necessary
>>> resources it needs core capacity. I would like a model whereby the
>>> SG's office provides
>>> (1) in-kind support as mentioned by the US
>>> (2) that this in-kind support is stated clearly (e.g. communications,
>>> office space, etc.)  and given an estimated dollar value in IGF
>>> budgets
>>> (3) that some core operational expenditure, e.g. the salary of the
>>> Executive Coordinator be funded through the UN. Ideally a 35% UN 65%
>>> voluntary funds in m view would give the IGF the financial
>>> sustainability it needs.
>>> It would also demonstrate UN ownership ad commitment without
>>> compromising the independence of the IGF. Overall I would like to see
>>> the IGF adopt a process of strategic management that involves annual
>>> action plans and budgets towards which donors and the UN contributes,
>>> with all information about these contributions published and made
>>> available to the IGF community on a regular basis.
>>> Swiss said they have no problem with transparency, and support ways to
>>> insure no interference.
>>> We hope to renew our contribution for 2012.
>>> Parminder is trying to explain his/our view - on public funding, with
>>> innovation, support Anrittte, but go with 60-40.
>>> Soon for lunch
>>> ---
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>> --
>> Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade
>> FGV Direito Rio
>> Center for Technology and Society
>> Getulio Vargas Foundation
>> Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
> --
> Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade
> FGV Direito Rio
> Center for Technology and Society
> Getulio Vargas Foundation
> Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade
FGV Direito Rio

Center for Technology and Society
Getulio Vargas Foundation
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
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